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looking for alternative to secudrive desktop/workspace

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snowcatman's picture
Last seen: 2 months 3 weeks ago
Joined: 2014-07-04 15:48
looking for alternative to secudrive desktop/workspace

i really like what they have. but am wondering if there are other alternatives. i like that i just double click on the start.exe and i am up and running in my familiar background and icons. the only thing they could do now is ad a autostart of portable apps. i am running the unsecured version i just want to see it in action then go after the secured version.

i use a 1tb usb desktop hard drive. i do not want to boot from this device.
i do not want a virtual environment. usually to much overhead on the laptops and desktops i use.
so having the portable apps is good and all but i am missing my desktop. i just want to take it with me. secudrive look's like there not freeware anymore. maybe i am wrong.
i am learning to install portable silverlight, java, and such. finding out i don't need all the bloat that is been made part of microsoft.

i just learned how to ad minecraft w/java and add it to the portable app launcher. so i am feeling adventurous.

From. snowcatman

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 4 hours 29 min ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21

We recommend sticking with the Platform. You can easily add your own custom desktop wallpaper and set it to hide the current desktop icons (see Options - Advanced). You can find all your apps in the platform and auto-start your common ones plus pin your favorites right to the top, negating most of the need for desktop icons.

We debated including a desktop icon switcher, but it often has the side effect of messing up the exact positioning of the current icons on the desktop when switching in and out (a huge no no) and messing up the positioning of the portable icons when switching resolutions as you move PCs (an annoyance), so we opted to leave the functionality out unless/until we built a full desktop replacement.

Side Note: Like my dad, I used to keep a ton of stuff all over my desktop, but I decided to break the habit years ago. It gets in the way of doing work and acts as a constant distraction. Managing regularly used apps in the platform (or pinned to the start menu/task bar on a local install) is much easier and more organized. And managing current projects and tasks using a proper task or todo manager far more effective.

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snowcatman's picture
Last seen: 2 months 3 weeks ago
Joined: 2014-07-04 15:48
my usual has been this way

my usual has been this way for a year or so. i plug in and go to my drive and double click on start.exe the secudrive desktop.
then i double click on portable apps icon and when all is loaded i can then go about my normal bussness. knowing that i have not disturbed any instances or left much of a trace if any that i had been there.

i went to see if they updated the secudrive portable desktop and seen they change a few things. so my idea or hope that they had a autostart for the portable apps was diminished.

i would like to not to see the other person's work environment when i plug in that's way i am seeking out my own little familiar desktop situation. i love portable apps. but i see the option you're talking about as a few more step backward. do i create a batch file that does what your talking about. was there already a desktop/workspace in all these apps available i have yet to see it. the less the steps the better.

its interesting the looks i get. because family friend see what i am doing and say that i have taken over their computer. put left it alone too. i am not that high tech but they think i am. i would like to use both the desktop with icons and portable apps. i can have a few icons out i use most often and then when i need something more i move to portable apps. its just comfortable. been on windows cents the dos day's

From. snowcatman
Thank You.

I think i can, i think i can. I think i can......

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 4 hours 29 min ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
No BAT Files

You simply install the PA.c Platform to the root of any flash drive and run start.exe. It'll automatically switch the wallpaper on the host PC and hide their desktop icons without affecting or re-arranging them. This functionality is built into the platform proper, requires no additional apps or batch files, and predates SecuDrive's existence.

The platform is configured not to swap wallpapers or hide icons by default because the majority of users prefer not to have it 'take over' the local machine. Having it hide icons by default involves checking a single checkbox in options. Having it show a wallpaper you like just involves placing a file the location I linked above.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

snowcatman's picture
Last seen: 2 months 3 weeks ago
Joined: 2014-07-04 15:48
ok. i see something here.

ok. i see something here. this other desktop program i use. its interesting becouse i get to have my familiar environment with me wherever i go. even the start menu is different when i am in the environment. it takes care of it own background and icons. even the programs i start stay in my environment. when i switch to the host environment they are left back were i opened them and not showing in the host. giving me a cents of not messing with someone elses computer.

with portable app you lack the desktop feel wherever you go. i meen like when i go onto another persons desktop i see there wallpaper and icons. yes i see you can hide there icon put i don't see the wallpaper in options/advance. it like i am sitting at thethere desk and it makes me uncomfortable and i don't want to be rude and them see i messed there desk up. i actually would have to go into setting to show them. put not with that other desktop program i use. i just switch from host to my invirnment and back and they are like impressed.

i don't like even moving another person mouse around or change the host icons. or the host background even temporary. i would like to leave it the way i find it. if possible. so having a portable desktop environment is a plus. what i like with what i have now is i don't run into virtual restrictions from paltalk and some/few games that i have learned to make portably.

the only thing i want to learn now if anything is to have a snapshot of the host and a way to make sure i can put back/erase any evidence i was even there. also looking for a free desktop/workspace environment that is updated and free kinda like what i have now.

not trying to give you attitude put you keep pointing me a way of change that is a little uncomfortable and as i just explained i simple don't feel comfortable being on someone else's desk sort to speak. i really like portable apps. not letting it go for anything. but what lacks here is the portable workspace environment. now i am aware that i can boot or virtualize. but that means turning the computer off and that means closing out their programs and virtualizing stops some of my programs. i think if i say any more it will be redundant.

i think i will watch this thread for awhile and keep googling for a solution to this issue.

From snowcatman
Thank you very much.

P.S. thank you for your time and patience with me.

I think i can, i think i can. I think i can......

vf2nsr's picture
Last seen: 8 years 4 months ago
Joined: 2010-02-13 17:10
John mentioned

Over here : up at the first reply that you shuold look at the built in features

Which will take you to : To use the Wallpaper changer built into the PortableApps menu

Which gives the clear instructions as follows:

The Platform has an easy-to-use wallpaper swapper built in. It will change the wallpaper on the PC to your own while it's running and change it back when you exit. To use it, just save the wallpaper of your choice as a Windows BMP file (RGB encoding for the geeky) to your X:\Documents\Pictures directory and name the file portableapps_wallpaper.bmp. The next time you start up the Platform, it will find it and use it. You can also add a portableapps_wallpaper_wide.bmp file which will be automatically be used on widescreen displays.

“Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.” Dr. Seuss

Lord_Theren's picture
Last seen: 3 years 3 months ago
Joined: 2013-10-24 16:11

You scrapped the icon switching feature? That was probably the feature I was looking forward to the most.

The two most important days of your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 4 hours 29 min ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
Not Scrapped

It's not scrapped. We just didn't want to implement it half-assed, which is why we haven't yet.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

Lord_Theren's picture
Last seen: 3 years 3 months ago
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That's good! How much work do you have to do on it still?

The two most important days of your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.

snowcatman's picture
Last seen: 2 months 3 weeks ago
Joined: 2014-07-04 15:48
talking about going forward a moment

i found for the windows 7 a neat little program that uses the autorun.ini like before the 2009 years. its called " APUSB 47 "
link = ->
this is a step forward in my book. it does not help when i go to another computer. but on my own systems i can use it and make life a lot better.
i put it on my families pc's with there permission. makes for a nice plug and play. plus there old usb and such devices work again too. they love it. i dont care about the virus stuff that's happening before 2009. i think we should have had that choice to make.(like going around changing what's in our gas tanks so older cars can't run or something)

i just want to sit down plug my desktop 1tb usb external hard drive in and watch. get to my own desktop and get going. i like that i have set up a secure.bat and am able to run with confidence.

icon are important to me. a start menu is important to me. and keeping portableapps is important to me. having all these tools make for a environment i come to know and works well.

i fix computers and make them better. only everyone can do it. i use free tools and i don't make a dime. i teach how to keep a computer running efficiently. keep programs off the start menu and such. antivirus to ad aware and such.

but at the same time i don't want to mess with anyone elses business/personal(computers) so i love the idea of my own desktop with icons and start menu and portable apps menu. its like i have my own programs and files everywhere i go.

plus if the owner ask's me, i have there stuff at my fingertips to help them too.

just need secudrive portable desktop free to have an auto start programs folder or something. thats all. wished i was a programer. alas i am not.
thank you for your words and your effort. you make a difference Smile

I think i can, i think i can. I think i can......

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 4 hours 29 min ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
Better Option

A better option is the AutoPlay, which is in test. Grab the GUI-less version and set it to auto-run on the PC. It'll auto start the PA.c Platform but won't run other autorun.inf files, which is better for security (the whole reason they were removed).

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

snowcatman's picture
Last seen: 2 months 3 weeks ago
Joined: 2014-07-04 15:48
interesting will look at it.

not to be just opinionated. but i think taking away the choice of autorun was totally unfair. security or not. they could have added a token on the drive or some sort of security feature for the pc to recognize the drive as friend or foe. even set up for antivirus which was\is already in place.

i have a strong belief that we should have the choice. as for what i have now it will do. but will look at what you posted. looks interesting. if i could just get to a known place that i usually use and if it has a feature to give the owner the choice to give owner permission or/and to be able to uninstall it. then i am all for it.

i don't like restrictive measures very much i know they have a use. but i see the autorun disabled as a step backward its restrictive. and i see that happening all over the place. not all developers are getting along and i see that too. makes for i'll will on the users part. i would much rather see many programs that can work together or as one.

i don't like extra's like when you go to install a single program and get a suggestive display. like if you don't watch what you're doing you will install many more programs then you know about. you have to slow down and uncheck those choices, someone has made for you. or don't use the program.

i like finding ways to make my life easier. you plug in your device and after a few seconds less than 10, you are ready to go at it. having a few less than 3 programs running that you use, are ready and at your command. and lastly it you have a shutdown and cleanup process that leaves the system you're visiting like you found it. including where the mouse was when you found it if possible. no other programs you opened up running when you shut down, nothing. just as you found it. it would be nice to see this on multiple operating system from now to the new to the old.

thank you.

I think i can, i think i can. I think i can......

3D1T0R's picture
Last seen: 3 years 7 months ago
Joined: 2006-12-29 23:48
FYI: John T Haller agrees…

FYI: John T. Haller agrees that it shouldn't have been taken away, but it really was insecure the way it was (actually it's still insecure when CD's come into the picture)
John suggested a better system of how it could work, but the fact is that Microsoft didn't do it, they opted to just remove the functionality.

Personally I'd like to see someone develop a third party app (similar to the utility you found) that works the way John described.


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