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Graphics won't display in documents

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Graphics won't display in documents

Hello all,

I have started using Libre Office, but when I copy a web page that has both text & graphics, it will only display the links to images/pics, etc. from the web page - not the actual graphics themselves.

What/where is the setting that will allow the actual images to be displayed? Pardon

I am running Win 7 SP1.

Thank you VERY much for your help in this matter!


John T. Haller
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Last seen: 2 hours 33 min ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21

The best way to properly embed an image of a web page into a document is with a screenshot.

LibreOffice - standard or portable - will not be able to properly display images in HTML content when either pasted in or saved in your browser and then opening the HTML file in LibreOffice.

If you want to get the actual text and images from a site, I recommend copying the text out and doing a paste special with formatting removed to get it into the document and then manually saving the images in your browser and then inserting them in the document. That way you'll get the best end result.

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Graphics in Documents in LO


What I have done for a while now is whenever there is an update to a portable app on, (especially after the problem with an earlier version of LO), I always download the appname.paf.exe file & save it just in case!

I also highlight the entire "home" page of the app on (on the right side only), from the Apps Title thru the Download Details, which also highlights the images to the right of the text. I then copy the whole thing and paste it into a LO document.

This way I have the 'source' .paf.exe file and the info on its home page (ie: when it was updated).

This has worked perfectly for me up thru LO Portable version 4.2.2. Which I use if the newer versions won't copy the graphics.

The 3 versions afterwards only show the links for the graphics never the actual graphic, so I thought I must have not set an option up correctly, but I can NOT figure out which one!
I compare the versions options and can not find the differences.

If I have overlooked something, I would greatly appreciate your insight!!

Thanks a bunch.

Sue ;>)

PS: If you can furnish me with a site where I can upload documents & images, I can show you what the same application (program), web page looks like in different versions of LO.

John T. Haller
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Last seen: 2 hours 33 min ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
Don't Know

I don't know. I just know the local version works the same way. They may have updated it for security reasons.

What's the reason for saving the LibreOffice Portable homepage? It doesn't have any critical information you'd need to save. It's just a description and an old screenshot. If it's just the download details (MD5 and date), it's easier to just save them to a TXT file.

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To fix it... you need to brake it first

Intrigued by your inquiry, I've tested a solution found on the web, quoted below, and it just worked. One thing I'd like to add to the D'Constanzo's comment is: if you have many links, you can brake them all at once, with one click on the button, by selecting them all first.

How To Save Web Images In LibreOffice Writer

Posted June 27, 2011 10:00 am by Rich Menga with 2 comments

A common complaint about the LibreOffice Writer document editor is that it doesn’t embed images copied into it from the web, and that there’s no easy way to make Writer do it. Well, you can do it, and it is easy once you know how to do it. All it takes is a few simple clicks, and any image copied from the browser into LO Writer will embed and save locally. See video below for details.

Geppettvs D'Constanzo January 24th, 2013 at 12:22 pm

For those who don’t want to watch the whole video: It is done by clicking Menu “Edit” Option “Links…” then click the button “Break link”. Good luck!

Upon rereading your original post, and follow ups, I've realised that the presented here solution is probably a miss concerning your case.

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Hi MiK, I appreciate your

Hi MiK,

I appreciate your reply - good info to know, especially when it takes forever for some of my docs with (quite large) images to load.
Now I know why & can take the necessary steps to fix that.

But yes, in my case the images don't even load, you are just presented with the links to them.

Can't understand why it loads them in earlier versions of LO but not in the last 3 versions?

Any other help greatly appreciated!

Thanks a bunch, Sue ;>)

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Two points to consider, for now

But yes, in my case the images don't even load, you are just presented with the links to them.

Can't understand why it loads them in earlier versions of LO but not in the last 3 versions?

The behavior you describe, I could reproduce on my system in two ways, that is:

1) By unchecking the "Display Graphics and objects" option in Tools > Options... > LibreOffice Writer > View.

But, since you "... compare the versions options and can not find the differences.", I guess this would not be it in your case.

2) By not allowing LibreOffice connect to the Internet; while online, blocking the request with the firewall.

Since the blocking can take place silently in the background, and if permanent rules were set in the past, and then forgotten, something like this could lead to a confusion why some versions of a portable app work and some not, provided they are or were placed in different locations, directories.

So, that would be something for you to consider for now, at least two things to rule out while searching for an eventual solution.

My tests were done using LibreOfficePortable Writer.
I also tested using LibreOffice Writer/Web, which can give a nice output, but it really depends on the source page being copied from.

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I'd like to help, but every version of LibreOffice Portable I tried loaded images fine, whether I copy/paste (some copies required paste special as normal paste was text only, IDK why) or drag/drop, whether I use Firefox, QupZilla, Chrome, or even IE (copy/paste only though as IE has band drag/drop handling).
(Opera 12.x seems to be text only though, with all LibO Portable installs that I tested)

Out of curiosity, are you using an out-of-date browser? if so perhaps you should update it and try again.


Ooh! … Do you have a clipboard enhancer? if so try with it disabled, maybe that's what's up?


John T. Haller
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Last seen: 2 hours 33 min ago
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It fails with locally installed Firefox 30 and LibreOffice 4.2.5 as well.

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Last seen: 3 years 8 months ago
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WFM / can't reproduce

If you can reproduce the error you're already closer to a fix than I am. I can't get it to malfunction the way that sweetnuttin describes, and I've tried using Firefox 30 (Portable and Local), QupZilla 1.6.6 (Portable), Opera 12.7 (Portable and Local), Chrome 36 (Portable and Local), and IE 9 (Local, duh ;)), all with several versions of LibreOffice (Portable).

Maybe something is blocking LibreOffice from connecting to the internet?
Is Java (or jPortable) installed (and being properly found by LibreOffice)?
On a machine that's exhibiting the issue, does it work when copied from a different browser or …?


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