I have a problem with Opera browser (ver.12.17 build 1863).
When I try to change the interface language (from Preference Ctrl+F12), to some other than English, it change. But after run the program again, return to English every-time.
How can I change it, and not to return.
Thank You !
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Opera return to default language
August 28, 2014 - 4:29am
Opera return to default language
I've reported same bug as you in another thread with no success (https://portableapps.com/node/41856), so I found a fix by myself:
1. Be sure Opera 12 portable is not running
2. Edit the file OperaPortable.ini located at "...\PortableApps\OperaPortable\App\AppInfo\Launcher\OperaPortable.ini"
3. With notepad or similar find and replace all %PAL:LanguageCustom% with desired language, for example es-LA for Spanish Latin-America.
You can find all language strings in "...\OperaPortable\App\Opera\locale"
Thank you marcelo-ar !
It works now and load my desire language