Application: SuperSimple Video Converter Portable
Category: Music and Video
Description: SuperSimple Video Converter is a free transcoder for your media files. Convert videos and music to other formats, extract audio from videos, create custom profiles for frequently used conversions.
Download SuperSimple Video Converter Portable 2014.1 DevTest 5 [10.6MB download / 30MB installed]
(MD5: b7d2d7f73fa6a98f1323d4448b07e447)
Release Notes:
Copied mandatory files to Other/Source folder
The "Other" directory now has some folders in it, but it is still missing the required files (please check the contents of this folder in a few of the Official Apps to see what's expected)
The "help.html" file can include links to online help sources, but should also include some offline help. There is a good template help.html file in the template, though things can ofcourse be added, e.g. links to your online help locations.
Here's the DevTest 3. They say third time's a charm
Sorry for opening two threads, I will update this thread from now on.
I've copied the help.htm file from the PA template and updated it with app data, except for *Node ID* part. Didn't know what to enter there.
Node ID is ID number of this page.
Thanks. I've updated the help file and uploaded DevTest 4.
I have a question though. Once I update this thread do I have to place an announcement somewhere? Or is updating this post enough?
Updating here is enough.
You're permitted to put a note in this thread saying it was updated, so that people see it. Otherwise, it might get missed.
Updating the opening post is one thing you can do. The other is to append a new post. This moves the post to the top of the Beta forum and is found by interested people (and hopefully some testers
). Please don't bump, if nothing is changed...
You have already found the other ways (Test releases and Apps ready for release etc).
When an app is added to the official app list, an official announcement will be placed on the front page (Latest releases). This decision is down to John T. Haller, though.
Or what Gord said in short.
I had a quick look at Dev Test 4. It works fine, no leftovers on my machine here. The package is mostly compliant with the specs. I found one thing to adjust. The "Other" folder contains an empty Source folder. It's missing the generic AppNamePortable.ini, the LauncherLicense.txt and the Readme.txt. I think, they are mandatory.
You could just leave it as it's found in the Application Template found here.
A word or two about your program - I really like the ease of use. Good for quick conversions even if I normally use more complicated (or controlled) ways to reencode my stuff (mostly handbrake or mkvmerge). I think, it would be a good addition to the directory.
Thanks for testing, we're trying to keep the app super simple, otherwise we'll have to rename it
I was a bit short with time today, I'll update the package tomorrow.
The package has been updated...
Let's try to keep this on one thread at a time, the current link is