I have chrome portable installed and updated with the latest version. But standard Chrome auto installs somehow on my system. It started recently.
It shows up on my desktop and pins to my task bar. Uninstalling won't work since it comes back up. I make sure not to use it.
Any idea what is going on?
How are you starting it? Via the GoogleChromePortable.exe launcher or did you either run chrome.exe directly or set it as the default browser? If the latter, that might cause it.
I just ran the current stable Chrome Portable on a clean Windows XP virtual machine and can not duplicate this behavior.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
I run it from the shortcut to the GoogleChromePortable.exe on my desktop and taskbar.
I generally don't open up the Portable Apps itself unless I want to check for updates.
Google Chrome Portable is not set as default browser
Could this be causing the problem?
Thank You!
No, I mean setting it as the default internally could cause problems... since you then run chrome.exe directly.
As mentioned, I couldn't recreate the issue myself. What OS are you running on and what path do you have it installed to?
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
PATH: C:\PAPPS\PortableApps\GoogleChromePortable
I tried it on a clean Windows 8.1 virtual machine. It ran without issue and didn't leave an install or shortcut behind anywhere.
Where is it installing to on your machine?
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
I also have regular(not portable) Picasa and Google talk installed if that has anything to do with this.
I tried it with Picasa installed locally and there was no change. Maybe it's Google Talk since it's discontinued and not supposed to be used any longer. It's supposed to automatically upgrade to the Hangouts extension installed within Chrome.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
Let me get rid of Google Talk and see what happens.
Btw, i do sign in to google accounts to sync the extensions and nothing else. Would that have any connection to the issue?
Got rid of Google Talk and then uninstalled the Chrome standard with Geek installer (says it gets rid of registry entries that stays back).
So far it seems to have worked . Chrome standard has not re installed itself yet.
Happy Thanksgiving