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MPC-HCPortable, Settings problem

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Last seen: 10 years 2 months ago
Joined: 2014-12-19 11:43
MPC-HCPortable, Settings problem

I have a problem.
I installed mpc-hcportable. At the end of the installation, the installer suggested to me to run the application. I agreed. MPC-HC started. I opened propertios and and set up anything because I need. Done. I closed mpc-hcportable. Then I tried to run a video. I started the video and what I saw? all settings that I set up were disappeared.
I realized if I start mpc-hcportable using shortcup and if I start mpc-hcportable using a videofile then settings are different. Why? Same problem with JPEGViewPortable. Maybe it's because a shortcut runs 32-bit version of the program, and running videofile start using version of the system (64-bit)? How to fix it or use single settings?

Windows 7 64-bit.

Wm ...
Last seen: 8 years 2 months ago
Joined: 2010-07-17 12:37
running by double click?

if you are running the video by double clicking then Win will use what Win thinks is the application to run it NOT the portable app.

Start the portable app first THEN find the video and run it from within the portable app.

Why? Because portable apps affect the host system as little as possible so when they aren't running the host system is in control of what app gets used to watch a video, etc.

I think of this as a positive, e.g. I can run (not at the same time) two different versions of GnuCash, the one Win thinks I have and the portable apps version.


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