Important information:
As of the time of Apr 14, 2022, 12:06 AM GMT+10, the Github repository has been archived and I am officially discontinuing this portable app. It may still work as is, but there will never be an update. If it returns under a different user with suspicious "updates", do NOT download/install.
To whoever it is that owns the UGOTTROLLED github account:
Sick troll mate, you targeted something that was slated for deletion. The other repositories that you have (along with the account name itself) make it obvious your intentions, any pull requests would of been rejected. I have enough programmer knowledge to ascertain whether any coding was potentially suspicious, anything that I would need a debugger/decompiler to read the source for would also have been rejected.
Application: Minecraft
Category: Games
Licence: Closed Source [See license page of installer]
Description: [from website]
Minecraft is a game about breaking and placing blocks. At first, people built structures to protect against nocturnal monsters, but as the game grew players worked together to create wonderful, imaginative things.
It can also be about adventuring with friends or watching the sun rise over a blocky ocean. It’s pretty. Brave players battle terrible things in The Nether, which is more scary than pretty. You can also visit a land of mushrooms if it sounds more like your cup of tea.
Please note that this is not officially endorsed by Mojang and that it is simply a custom bootstrapper built using the Launcher to make the Minecraft Launcher and Minecraft work within the Platform. It is not Minecraft itself.
Download Portable Minecraft Launcher 1.6.93 Development Test 8 [503KB download / 4.64MB+ installed]
(MD5: bf519565c2c91b0a8568c4bd825855a0)
(SHA1: 29a14ebf7a878b9b639574f14926deb1a41059a5)
Online Installer: This app features an online installer which will download additional data [4377KB download / 4377KB installed] during installation.
Variable Installed Size: This app has an installed size variation ranging from 4.64MB [No assets] to several hundred MB [Assets, several game versions, several resource packs, several worlds, mods, etc...]
- Automatically finds a Java runtime to use (Defaults to jPortable [jPortable64 on 64-Bit OS])
- Store's .minecraft folder in Data, without moving files around. (Data\.minecraft)
- By default, the default profile is set to Data\Profiles\Default
- Supports additional profiles (Data\Profiles\<Profilename>)
- Supports moved directory.
- Supports language being set by the Platform (Now supports all profiles)
Release Notes:
Development Test 8 (2021-01-27):
- Removed launcher.jar from inside installer (Was not supposed to be there)
- Updated MD5 and SHA1 hashes.
Development Test 8 (2019-11-18):
- Updated MD5 and SHA1 hashes.
- Updated to support version 1.6.93 of the Minecraft Launcher (Legacy).
- Removed updater code as it is no longer applicable, and deleted dependencies.
- Added an emptied launcher_profiles.json to the
folder. - Re-added MD5Check to Installer.
Development Test 7 (2018-07-30):
- Updated MD5 and SHA1 hashes.
- Created new custom icon.
Development Test 7 (2018-07-24):
- Updated version to match current launcher.jar
- Updated MD5 and SHA1 hashes.
- Moved releases to github
Development Test 7 (2017-04-20):
- Fixed automatic language switching. Now actually works.
- Updated MD5 and SHA1 hashes.
Development Test 6 (2017-04-12): [No code changes]
- Finished Updater messages translations.
- Updated EULA to match the online version.
- Updated version numbers to match current version of launcher.jar.
- Updated MD5 and SHA1 hashes.
Development Test 5 (2017-01-09): [No code changes]
- Updated Java64 Fix for PAL v2.2.1
- Re-compiled launcher executable with latest PAL
- Updated version numbers to match current version of launcher.jar.
- Updated MD5 and SHA1 hashes.
Development Test 5 (2016-05-30):
- Improved Updater and added translation support for all updater messagebox's. Uploaded translation file to pastebin. [see Translations]
- Fixed file encoding for EULA
- Updated version numbers to match current version of launcher.jar. Incremented Dev Test.
Development Test 4 (2015-10-19):
- Changed update handling from forced automatic updates to optional automatic updates (for launcher.jar)
- Changed name in proper accordance with Mojang's EULA
- Updated version numbers to match current version of launcher.jar. Incremented Dev Test.
Development Test 3 (2015-05-23):
- Fixed a missing file bug when launcher.pack.lzma is being unpacked to launcher.jar [see comments]
Development Test 3 (2015-05-18):
- Fixed a coding bug in the update check (replaced poorly written StrCmp code with ${If} block)
- More rewording. Incremented Dev Test number, updated MD5 and SHA1 hashes.
- Added additional languages to the messagebox that [rarely] pops up if any downloads failed during the update check. Languages were translated with Google Translate, so if any (I think they will) need improvement, please feel free to do so and post translations below [see Translations]. English does not need to be done.
- Reworded a couple of bits of text on the threads main post. No new version (yet)
Development Test 2 (2015-04-18):
- Made calls to inetc plugin silent. Downloads required file fairly quickly. [I didn't bother with a Dev Test increase]. Updated MD5 and SHA1 hashes.
Development Test 2 (2015-04-08):
- Added update process to bootstrapper [with optimized bandwidth: only fetches the header for the update check].
- Removed MD5Check from installer as launcher now handles that
Development Test 1 (2015-04-07):
- Found and fixed a bug with default data [name change oversight]
- Changed layout of this thread to a more standard layout.
This release was compiled with a modified PAL setup that detects jPortable64 before trying to detect jPortable. Below is a plugininstaller for Launcher v2.2.1 for others to try. Note that this is not fully supported, otherwise the official package would already have this code. It installs a modified Java segment file and the ini used to generate the plugininstaller.
Java64 Fix for Launcher v2.2.1
(MD5: bbbe2f8ce75ccccaa112f1cb22c1a2dc)
(SHA1: fca22049eb672c48130a63a14a03c27b0aa390ef)
P.S: This plugin may work as is with the latest version, but is NOT tested.
I have an internal build of this as well and have been debating on what to name it on release. By Minecraft's trademark guidelines, it can't be called "Minecraft Portable". Mine also uses the JAR instead of the launcher, since it was easier to craft a specific launch command to java.exe that way.
Just a heads up that waiting for java.exe or javaw.exe isn't really an option as your launcher will be stuck around waiting for every single Java app to exit before it'll close.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
Regarding the name, I just had a quick readup of Mojang's Guidelines for the Name, Brand and Assets. The way I see it, "Minecraft Portable" isn't allowed, but "Portable Minecraft" just might be (Or even "PortaMine - Minecraft, Portable Edition"). It states that the Name (ie: Minecraft) cannot be the first word.
I also added appropriate info to the appinfo.ini regarding trademarks (not exactly as specified in Mojang's "Guidelines for the Name, Brand and Assets", but still specifies that Minecraft is a trademark of Mojang)
(I'm currently making some changes, so the next upload will have the above ini setting)
I chose to use the new launcher (marketed as a Native Launcher) because it automatically provides and updates a Java runtime (currently Java 8 Update 25). It's also similar to a launcher that I was already working on (which I'll probably decide to improve and use). My launcher consisted of a launcher created using NSIS and a collection of batch scripts to unpack required runtimes that I bundled with it. I'll see how I go using mojang's native launcher, and if it ends up a flop I'll work on my own.
I also remember that the launcher gui (launcher.jar) creates a specific mutex when it launches Minecraft, so that might be more reliable. Not sure that PAL supports that though, so custom code will be required either way.
I was going to use absolute paths for the WaitForEXE# entries, but wasn't sure if that would work. If a way to check the filepath of a process was added to the launcher, I might be able to be more specific about which java.exe and javaw.exe files should be waited for, and which shouldn't be (maybe something like WaitForEXE#Path).
Also about the native launcher, cause it manages updates to itself, launcher.jar and the needed java runtime, I don't think launcher.jar checks for updates to itself anymore (while the normal launcher.jar still does so).
I would really like to test your build if possible (you can even use the name I mentioned above if it's suitable, can be shortened to just "PortaMine"... just googled it, apparently portamine is a kind of pencil)
We'd use the platform to handle updates to our launcher and release a new version whenever a new minecraft.jar was released. The platform handles jPortable updates already and the next version will handle automatic first time installs when you run a Java app like Minecraft. One of the reasons I haven't released my treatment of it is we don't do Java apps officially yet.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
That makes sense, to be honest I was just making this for myself anyway and thought I might share it. Personally, when I play Minecraft it's the only java application running, so there wouldn't be any indefinite waiting issues.
I'll keep working on this, but it'll really only be to keep improving my programming skills.
Just to clarify some things (regardless of what is already known), I shall list all Minecraft download options:
Minecraft for Windows:
Following require Java
Minecraft for Windows (Alternate):
Minecraft for Mac OS
Minecraft for Linux / Other:
This build is based on the new download
Minecraft for Windows:
Correct me if I'm wrong, your internal build is based on
Minecraft for Linux / Other:
(which is crossplatform)
Both of these applications download launcher.jar from completely separate locations.
The old download (hosted by Amazon) always downloads and unpacks launcher.jar every start (regardless of whether or not it is a new version).
The new download (hosted by Mojang) only downloads a json file which lists all downloads related to the launcher. Here's the current launcher.json file (which is located at:
all hashes are sha-1.
even though jdk is listed there are only to runtimes actually available to download.
windows:applink is the native launcher (which is upx'd and contains a executable named NativeUpdater.exe [for self-updating]
java:lzma is the launcher.jar that doesn't update itself (though thinking about, even with the old download, launcher.jar doesn't update itself either, Minecraft.exe/Minecraft.dmg/Minecraft.jar does the updating of launcher.jar [as a bootstrapper])
windows:[32|64]:[jdk|jre] are apparently the runtimes that Mojang believes is the best version for running Minecraft, file extension should really be ".zip.lzma"
The bootstrapper will probably eventually be changed to use this json file aswell (which I think it should be [unneccessary bandwidth currently])
The new download checks the sha-1 hash of the existing files, if they match whats in the launcher.json file, it starts launcher.jar, if not, it downloads and unpacks what doesn't match.
Anyway, enough about that (this comment is getting too long) I'll finish with this:
I will probably leave this package (more of a standalone build) as is until I've finished my own launcher (using this json file) which will be written in NSIS (already got the necessary plugins for handling JSON and SHA-1)
I plan on making it easily configurable to be compatable with the platform (whether started by the PA Launcher or simply by being installed side-by-side in the PortableApps folder ie: PortableApps\Minecraft)
Depending on it's config file, it'll either use the default location for storing minecraft (%APPDATA%\.minecraft) or stored with the launcher (default: .\data or .\.minecraft)
When installed into the platform it will give priority to jPortable for the Java runtime.
Note: That ended up being a little incoherrent, if I do say so myself

Also, apparently somewhere along writing this rather long comment I decided to go with my own launcher that I was working on before finding mojang's new launcher. Anyway, hope something in there may end up being useful to you
Another also (gah), if it seems like I've become unnecessarily upset, I don't mean to appear that way, my apologies in advance. I merely realized that the PA Launcher isn't really suited to want I want to do with this, so decided to randomly share info that I found while doing this.
Looking forward to seeing your build and how it works (when released).
EDIT: After all that, just read that FindProcDLL can find processes by full path (what I wanted), but may not find 64-bit processes. Will edit to see if it works.
EDIT: Would work on 32-Bit processes, but not 64-Bit processes.
It sounds like parsing JSON and having it download its own copy of Java is a bit overcomplicated and unnecessary. The launcher itself isn't updated that often. Heck, they didn't even used to have a Windows installer. We don't want users stuck with multiple copies of Java. Having one that's updated by the platform and automatically used by all the Java apps as well as apps that use it for just some functionality like LibreOffice and OpenOffice is a better use of install space and download bandwidth (since many users around the world pay per MB).
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
Very over complicated, I'm gonna redo my build using only launcher.jar
The new launcher (the one that "bundles" Java) will likely change every
time launcher.jar changes or they decide to update the version of Java
that they bundle (MinecraftLauncher.exe [The ones inside the installer
and located at the same url] is hardcoded to a particular Java version
[currently Java 8 Update 25])
I'll parse the json purely to keep launcher.jar up to date (NsJSON is
fairly easy to use)
I'm gonna rely on the platform for Java (coz as you say, when using the
platform it is better to have the platform manage Java)
I'm defaulting launcher.jar's settings to "hide launcher and re-open
when game closes" (will only have to wait for 1 process that way)
Shall keep support for multiple Minecraft profiles (when creating new
profiles in the Minecraft Launcher it copies the currently selected
profile), so any profile set to use the Data\profiles directory will
automatically have it's path fixed if MinecraftPortable has been moved
(different directory, drive or simply the drive letter has changed)
Instead of having PAL change the APPDATA environment variable, I will be
passing -w"%PAL:DataDir%\.minecraft" to launcher.jar (the best way to
portablize Minecraft) and WorkingDirectory will be set to either
"%PAL:DataDir%\data" or "%PAL:DataDir%\.minecraft" (whichever seems
better, probably "%PAL:DataDir%\.minecraft")
All of the official bootstrap launchers accept the -w parameter, the
native launcher just passes it directly to launcher.jar, while the java
bootstrap (which most people use) sees that parameter and will then know
that it should store launcher.jar at that location (instead of at "%APPDATA\.minecraft"), it will then do it's thing and launch
launcher.jar with the same parameter
EDIT: Reformatted for better reading.
Redone version, based on launcher.jar rather than the native launcher.
EDIT: Completely abandoned everything related to Mojang's Native Launcher. That means not bothering with handling JSON files and not checking SHA1 checksums. Opted instead to download and unpack launcher.jar from the following url: launcher.pack.lzma
This update is mainly just a name change.
Fixed a bug created by an oversight when the name changed.
Updated thread layout to a much better one
Further updates will now add entries to the release notes
New feature: launcher.jar Updater - Manages updates to launcher.jar [requires launcher.pack.lzma for checksum]
Now working as a bootstrapper should.
I thought it warranted an increment of the Dev Test number
PasteBin: PortableApps.comLauncherLANG.nsh
Please feel free to post translation corrections as replies to this comment.
Added additional languages to 'Download Failed' messagebox.
Also fixed a coding bug in the update check (replaced poorly written StrCmp code with ${If} block)
Wish there was a 'thumbs up' or 'thanks' button for a post, but until then, thanks!
Added msvcr100.dll into App\_bin to fix a bug on systems that don't have the Visual C++ 2010 Runtime (x86) installed.
im use jportable for play minecraft my minecraft is not portable im use 1.7.X weepcraft hacked client and im have 1.7.10 Forge and liteloader and other
Sorry, I don't support hacked clients.
However, Forge and liteloader and other should work as long as they are configured in the Minecraft Launcher correctly (Forge can install into this package, along with OptiFine, MCPatcher and most other modding stuffs that can pick a location; simply point to MinecraftLauncherPortable\Data\.minecraft and assign a folder for each profile in MinecraftLauncherPortable\Data\profiles)
All my bootstrapper mainly does is launch Minecraft Launcher with the appropriate command parameters using the java environment provided by JPortable (and JPortable64 on 64-bit systems), falling back to the locally installed java if JPortable is not installed.
As your post did not really make sense to me, I don't know how else to respond other than how I have.
I have been considering asking Mojang about using the name as-is providing all the necessary info about trademarks, etc.
However, I don't particularly feel like doing that now, so I will be changing the name again to properly respect Mojang's EULA.
As such, I am trying to come up with what would be the best name to change it to.Below are what I have currently thought of:
Portable Minecraft Launcher
Portable Minecraft Bootstrap
Portable Minecraft Launcher Bootstrap
Portable Bootstrap for Minecraft
Bootstrap for Minecraft
MC Launcher Portable scrapped this one as it could of been confused with the modded Minecraft Launcher known as MCLauncher
At the moment, I am leaning towards simply moving the word "Portable" to the start of the name, opinions of any users and opinions of other developers would be appreciated. Name changed to Portable Minecraft Launcher
P.S: This is all because I would like this to possibly become [one of] the official launcher[s] for Minecraft in the future.
I plan on making the updating of launcher.jar to be optional through either a popup, or an ini setting, or both. I have code for it ready, but just need to add it into my custom code. So the name change and the new code will be in the next update.Implemented in latest version.i would like to see this happen and i would like to know if it were possible to "import" or copy profiles form vanila (native/non modified) versions of minecraft so i can take the version of my profile that is installed and make it portable and use something like onedrive to sync the "profile" to any system i have set up onedrive on...
The Power of our future is technology itself
Hi and sorry for the delay.
You can "import" profiles from the vanilla launcher whether the profiles use mods or are completely vanilla. Just copy the profile folder into the Data\profiles (Eg: vanilla profile "<where-ever profiles are stored>\Vanilla" to "Data\profiles\Vanilla") folder and copy the corresponding profile section from the vanilla launcher_profiles.json into the the launcher_profiles.json in Data\.minecraft
Then simply make sure that the "gameDir" setting in each profile points to the correct location.
Should work just fine, I have even installed mods into my copy (Forge, LiteLoader, OptiFine)
Just won't update the language used (most likely).
Here is a snippet of my launcher_profiles.json (just the profiles section):
This works after copying the profiles over and changing
And the [OptiFine] and [Modded] profiles work after installing OptiFine, Forge and LiteLoader into the Data\.minecraft folder
Edit: In the future there will be an add-on app that will import any profile from the official Minecraft Launcher (native/non-modified). Possibly with the ability to package a profile into an install-able mod-pack for easy backup of profiles. These mod-packs would then be installed through the importer on another computer.
The term "mod-pack" is loosely used to define a backup of a profile.
Hey I've just made an improved version of your app that makes use of the new Minecraft Windows launcher which does not require java to be installed on your computer. Hope you enjoy it.
Sorry, but the app is down
I'm sorry, but that is not an improved version.
My reasons:
I appreciate the effort for trying to improve my app, but I request that you please take it down as I will not be using it.
Edit: I'd appreciate it if a moderator could remove the link as it not only violates licenses, but also breaks my code. (I say breaks, but it does still work)
Also, I'm not sure but I should probably add a file with the necessary license info for both unpack200.exe and msvcr100.dll as they are essential for unpacking launcher.pack.lzma to launcher.jar
It appears that you're bundling Java & (at least parts of) Minecraft in the installer, as such you need to get permission from Oracle & Mojang. Otherwise this package is illegal.
I am unable to update the original post due to the spam block, but the app has been updated.Could a moderator please update the post for me using the data from the following pastebin: here
Thanks in advance. Once done, this comment can be removed.
After a bit of editing, I was finally able to update the op. Turns out too many links to comments, so I have replaced the Issues section with a Translations section.
Hi there, I'm new to PortableApps, so I'd like to know:
is there any chance, that this Launcher will be integrated into the official PortableAppLauncher app list?
Or will this never happen because of licensing etc.?
I would love it if my launcher did get integrated into the official app list, but that would entirely be up to the dev team.
Afaik, I've made the necessary changes for that to be possible (
I should probably update the offline copy of Mojang's EULA for Minecraft as it has been a while since I converted the webpages into a Rich Plain Text Format fileIn latest update.)Having said that, I probably need to change the icon used as it is a direct extracted copy of Mojang's Minecraft icon.Created my own icon.If anyone on the dev team would be willing to checkout my launcher to see what exactly I need to change for this to even be possible, I would very much appreciate it. (I realise that doesn't mean that it will be added, just that it would be possible)
EDIT: Probably not until PAL officially supports jPortable64 (at least), as my launcher requires a patch to PAL in order to detect jPortable64 on 64-bit systems (though this patch is only required for a developer install, the launcher doesn't need it after being compiled.)
New update available. Included fix:
Nothing new, just an important announcement to make to anyone that may be using this portable app.
Refer to the top of the original post.