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Greenfish Icon Editor Pro

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Last seen: 4 years 11 months ago
Joined: 2015-04-02 12:32
Greenfish Icon Editor Pro

I am using Greenfish Icon Editor Pro, v3.31 on Windows 8.1. The installation was using GreenfishIconEditorProPortable_3.31.paf.exe

When the program is opened using a short cut to Greenfish Icon Editor Pro the toolbars are present, as expected.

However, when a filename (.ico or .png) is selected using a right click followed by Open with Greenfish Icon Editor Pro, the program opens missing the Toolbar on the left hand side of the window and the Toolbar in the active area just below the Menu Bar containing File, Edit, View, etc.

In the left hand tool area there is a single light blue box and below that other light blue boxes appear during mouse-over and shortcut text appears while hovering. In the active area 2 or 3 light blue boxes appear with shortcut text also appearing during mouse-over.

This is probably a minor bug, since the simple work around is to open the program first, yet it isn't quite right.

Or is there something else I should have set in the program so the toolbars are visible? Other suggestions?

Thank you,