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Tangram Portable

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Last seen: 18 years 2 months ago
Joined: 2006-12-21 20:16
Tangram Portable

My friend passed me a game of Tangram. I liked, and I looked at the possibility to put it in my PenDrive. It's OK, I use this already 1 month.
I integrated it into the menu of my PortableApps, altering him to them my need...

Like me I don't know how to do that, I am leaving the files here for somebody that understands do the installer (.paf.exe) for the game... Smile

Version altered for my use:
Original version (installer):
(If the links don't work, please, seek the files in this site:

I posted here because I found interesting to share it with you...
I'm Brazilian, I understand some English, but I am using Babylon to translate my text for English... Excuse the mistakes in the translation...

Who knows the game it is not going to the official suite of the site??? Wink

My e-mail is: Can write in English that I get to read...

Very grateful,

P.S.: I wait at least an answer...