I have got a 2g firefly as a gift and transfered all my apps to it but firefox seems slow and sometimes unresponsive. So then thought by transfer was bad and did a restore off a older backup. now its really slow (not even opening). So i decided to format the drive and put a clean copy of the suite(in process of doing now). my question is does anyone else have this drive and are you getting good results with it?
Are you using a USB2.0 or 1.1 port?
2.0 is on both machines and I just tried the fresh install and it still is slow and freezes sometimes. So I transfered it all back to my lexar jump drive sport and it works like a champ so im guessing its just a slower drive.
Does it say "USB Hi-Speed" or something like that on the box (for your drive)?
Yes it says 2g hi speed usb flash drive
really! i wanted to get one but after my local target posted about it being recalled for having the ability to burn up really quickly i changed my mind. My PC at home has USB 1.0 potrt and it does lock up sometimes
but if thats the case just go grab somepopcorn and be patient if u dont want to return it or it doesnt overheat try defraging it (that should help)either the built in one or a portable version created rumored to work better then default defrag! found here
Slackware 12 for system
MCP (For XP and Server 2003)
Network + Certified
aim is "nycjv321" (minus quotes)
The Lexar Firefly is an average or slightly below average speed drive, so that's part of the reason for the slowness in Firefox. Also, Firefox Portable 2.0 comes with the session saver on, which causes extra writes to the drive (slowing things down). You can disable it by following the instructions in the support topic on Improving Firefox Portable's performance.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
Already searched and found your info and it did improve some. I just think the drive is slower than my old one and I really want a faster(or at least the same as what i was use to which was a lexar jumpdrive sport). What would be better or comparable to this( or is the sport worth staying with?)
Drive i have now is 512mb and I want 2g or better
External HDs have excellent write times compared to flash media, but are obviously not as portable as flash media. I'm using one with a USB1.1 connection and FxP rarely lags.
John, should we use FFP or FxP?
Mozilla recommends FF so it should be FFP, methinks.
Ryan McCue
Santa: Ho Ho Ho!
Kim: Yes, thank you Santa, I am.
(Kath and Kim)
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."
No, Mozilla uses Fx. That's why I've been using it.
[insert owl here]
Ryan McCue
Santa: Ho Ho Ho!
Kim: Yes, thank you Santa, I am.
(Kath and Kim)
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."

Oh, and is MadHatt.com your website?

And also, whack a index.html into your directory, I see all your files. LimewirePro.exe
BTW, Weapon of Choice rules! So does Christopher Walken! So does Family Guy!
Seriously, add a index.html at least and/or password protect it but unpassword protect the images directory.
Ryan McCue
Santa: Ho Ho Ho!
Kim: Yes, thank you Santa, I am.
(Kath and Kim)
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."