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Last seen: 16 years 11 months ago
Joined: 2006-12-11 23:16

Has anyone tried to put SoftIce on a stick yet?

I use to have it on my win95 box... but haven't tried the NT one yet... Be nice to be able to plug it in and go type of thing...

I had a plug-in debugger on my commodore... hit the button.. jump into the code, edit, jump out and continual to play... it was lots of fun messing around with ML.

Last seen: 1 year 8 months ago
Joined: 2006-11-13 16:52

Wth IS this proggy? (no description)
Where might we find it? (no link given)
Etc., etc., etc...................

"I don't hate long as they stay on the freeway, where they belong."
- Brad Stine

Last seen: 16 years 11 months ago
Joined: 2006-12-11 23:16
Sorry... here's the

Sorry... here's the Wikipedia of what it is...
SoftICE is a kernel mode debugger for Microsoft Windows. Crucially, it is designed to run underneath Windows such that the operating system is unaware of its presence. Unlike an application debugger, SoftICE is capable of suspending all operations in Windows when instructed. For driver debugging this is critical due to how hardware is accessed and the kernel of the operating system functions.

Older versions exist for DOS and compatible operating systems. SoftICE was originally produced by a company called NuMega, and was subsequently acquired by Compuware.

SoftICE is also popular as a software cracking tool.

The "ICE" part of the name is an allusion to in-circuit emulator.
It turns out to be a hard program to find... I did find a copy, but it's difficult to get it to work right on NT. I think I may have answered my own question and found something today that may just work... and it's open source.
Rasta Ring 0 Debugger
I'll have to look into this one some more... If I get it portable I'll let you know if you interested.


Did you know that the entire operating system use to fit on a 5 1/4" floppy disk!

Last seen: 1 year 8 months ago
Joined: 2006-11-13 16:52

Interested? Me?... Nah, I just was 'interested' in knowing wth is IS.
Now that I know, it's not any kind of proggy I'd ever use.
I'm a plugger, not a hacker.

"I don't hate long as they stay on the freeway, where they belong."
- Brad Stine

Last seen: 16 years 6 months ago
Joined: 2006-06-04 15:53
have u tried HDASM (hackers

have u tried HDASM (hackers disambler:) ) i found it at its under top ten it does write to the registry Sad but a simple reg wrap can fix that Smile

Slackware 12 for system
MCP (For XP and Server 2003)
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aim is "nycjv321" (minus quotes)

Last seen: 16 years 11 months ago
Joined: 2006-12-11 23:16

Interesting site thanks... I see HDASM is like W32Dasm.. I've used that one before. W32Dasm was portable with some tweaks... Nice disassembler.... but wont do the same as SoftICE. If I can get rr0d to make, maybe what I'm looking for....

I see they have assemblers too... been looking for one. I'll gave RosAsm a try..


Did you know that the entire operating system use to fit on a 5 1/4" floppy disk!

Last seen: 16 years 6 months ago
Joined: 2006-06-04 15:53

dude have u managed to find a compiled version of rr0d? point me to that direction and RosAsm is Sad i recomend MASM better easier in my opinion to learn check here for tut's if you already didnt know Smile why dont u use olly? or is it becuase ure looking for a ring 0 debugger?

Slackware 12 for system
MCP (For XP and Server 2003)
Network + Certified
aim is "nycjv321" (minus quotes)

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