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Incompatible Extensions

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Ryan McCue
Ryan McCue's picture
Last seen: 15 years 5 months ago
Joined: 2006-01-06 21:27
Incompatible Extensions

The following extensions are incompatible with Firefox Portable for various reasons:

  • Uses hard-coded paths

    • ASpell
    • Flashgot
    • Footiefox
    • Quicknote
  • Writes to flash drive excessively
    • FEBE
    • Google Browser Sync
    • Tab Mix Plus (with session-saving and/or undo-close-tabs on)
  • This list is in need of improvement. Please post any others below.


    • 2007-01-28

      • Added Google Browser Sync and FEBE per Yehoni's comment
    Ryan McCue
    Ryan McCue's picture
    Last seen: 15 years 5 months ago
    Joined: 2006-01-06 21:27
    Also to note

    I'll be away for the next 3 days, so be good for John Wink
    Ryan McCue
    Person 1: Oh my god. You will never believe what just happened.
    Person 2: What?
    Person 1: I can't remember, I've forgotten.

    "If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."

    Simeon's picture
    Last seen: 10 years 4 months ago
    Joined: 2006-09-25 15:15
    enjoy wherever you go,

    come back safe
    have fun reading tons of posts when back.:evil:

    "What about Love?" - "Overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate." - Al Pacino in The Devils Advocate

    Steve Lamerton
    Steve Lamerton's picture
    Last seen: 11 years 5 months ago
    Joined: 2005-12-10 15:22

    now you'll never reply to my e-mail Sad


    Steve Lamerton

    Ryan McCue
    Ryan McCue's picture
    Last seen: 15 years 5 months ago
    Joined: 2006-01-06 21:27
    Yes I will

    I have to work through 20 to get to it, but I will get to it Wink

    Oh and to count, 2 pages and 12 posts to read }:)
    Ryan McCue
    Person 1: Oh my god. You will never believe what just happened.
    Person 2: What?
    Person 1: I can't remember, I've forgotten.

    "If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."

    Last seen: 10 years 11 months ago
    Joined: 2006-08-01 18:35
    Two additions

    for the "Writes to flash drive excessively" list.

    I've heard both Google Browser Sync and FEBE do this as well. I recommend leaving them disabled except when you specifically want to use them.

    Also, as far as I know, TMP only writes to the drive excessively when session saving/restore and/or undo close tabs are turned on. I use the rest of its features on a flash drive with no trouble.

    Bahamut's picture
    Last seen: 13 years 3 months ago
    Joined: 2006-04-07 08:44
    And it's absolutely no

    And it's absolutely no problem for those of us with external HDs. Wink


    Ryan McCue
    Ryan McCue's picture
    Last seen: 15 years 5 months ago
    Joined: 2006-01-06 21:27

    I've updated the list as per your comment.
    Ryan McCue
    Person 1: Oh my god. You will never believe what just happened.
    Person 2: What?
    Person 1: I can't remember, I've forgotten.

    "If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."

    tgrantt's picture
    Last seen: 4 years 1 month ago
    Joined: 2007-02-26 12:43
    Some other

    Some extensions, like Internote, Reminderfox, Scrapbook, have options to save in places other than the profile folder, obviously this can cause issues. Unfortunately, this can mean that some uses are limited. For example, to have Reminderfox access the same ics file in both Firefox and Thunderbird, at least one must be saving to a non-default folder.

    I believe that Minimize to Tray has had its issue with FFP solved.

    Is there a way to tell if an extension allows relative paths? Can one enter them like a DOS command? (ie .\dirname\myfile.fil for a file saved in a sister folder?)

    Thanks in advance.

    I am not my signature.

    Ryan McCue
    Ryan McCue's picture
    Last seen: 15 years 5 months ago
    Joined: 2006-01-06 21:27

    This list hasn't been updated for a while, so it's pretty much abandoned. Use any and all extensions at your own risk.

    "If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."

    Topic locked