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portable thunderbird does not act as default mail client

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Last seen: 15 years 11 months ago
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portable thunderbird does not act as default mail client

I'm kinda having a problem with ptb: allthough I've set it up to act as the default mail client for the system (XP Prof), it does not act like that, i.e.: when trying to send files from desktop by rightclicking&sendto: mail recipient NOTHING happens. When trying to send from within openoffice writer, I receive an error message saying that there is no mail client defined.
What can I do?

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 25 min 16 sec ago
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You can't

You CAN'T set Portable Thunderbird as your default mail client within Thunderbird. It won't work right.

You need to manually change the registry entry to point to PortableThunderbird.exe and NOT to thunderbird.exe.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

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...a lot for the quick answer, John. By registry entry I guess you mean the entries for openoffice (btw, also portable:), right? Well, anyway, the default e-mail client thing is really just a minor nuisance, especially compared to the huge advantage portable apps offer. I just wonder why not ALL software is designed to be portable - this would stabilize the OS (I think...), make migrating from computer 2 computer a bliss and won't clutter up windows. I'll be on the watch for new portapps, thanks for your work!

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The beauty of open source.


Alan Bell (not verified)

is the registry key you need to play with.

Last seen: 15 years 11 months ago
Joined: 2006-01-09 05:36
life saver

Alana, thanks a lot, mate! This really was a life saving solution. I've played with the registry, stumbled on that DOS-path (I entered the full normal path to the exe but got no result) but got it right after using the correct ~1 formula of the path. Now it works perfect. Thanks again., noobie-me owes u 1.

sniffass (not verified)
where exactly is the

where exactly is the registry key to be found in the registry? I ran a couple of searches of my registry but came up blank> I'd like to do the same for firefox too.

Bruce Pascoe
Last seen: 13 years 2 months ago
Joined: 2006-01-15 16:14
Did you read the whole thread?

It was already stated in the thread that HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\mailto\shell\open\command was the key you need to edit. Just set the "(Default)" value in that key to the full path of your PortableThunderbird.exe and you're all set.

For Firefox, go to all the registry entries listed below and point the "(Default)" value of each at the full path to PortableFirefox.exe:


Last seen: 16 years 2 months ago
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How to force PortableThunderbird to use the "protable profile"?

I just want to make PortableThunderbird (PTB) as my default mailsoftware for all 'mailto' function/calls,
like context menu, HTML mailto and other applications.

I used above mentioned entry in the Registry and create a .reg file (for easier changes and tests Smile

.reg file version1:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

After adding this entry to the registry and a restart, PTB is the default mailsoftware. But, it starts with a empty profile and want to config a new profile and mail account. The profile is created in
C:\Dokumente und W

My working PTB profile is saved in C:\Portable\PortableThunderbird\profile and I want to let it there and used from there. Because for being portbale, i just have to take C:\Portable\PortableThunderbird with me Smile

When PTB itself set the mailto default in the Registry
.reg format:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
@="C:\\PORTABLE\\PORTAB~3\\THUNDE~1\\THUNDE~1.EXE -compose %1"

The result is the same, PTB starts with an empty profile or profile in "documents&settings" and not with the "portable profile".

Interesting is the command parameter "-compose &1". What does it mean? Are there other parameters for PTB? Where to find a documentation?

So I did search in the Registry for "Thunderbird", there quite some entries there for a portable application Smile

For example UnreadMail at login screen:
.reg format:
"Application"="\"C:\\Portable\\PortableThunderbird\\thunderbird\\thunderbird.exe\" -profile \"C:\\Portable\\PortableThunderbird\\profile\" -mail"

Trying to force PTB as default mailsoftware to use the "portable profile" i tried this:
.reg file version2:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

@="\"C:\\Portable\\PortableThunderbird\\thunderbird\\thunderbird.exe\" -profile \"C:\\Portable\\PortableThunderbird\\profile\" -mail"

The result is the same, PTB starts with an empty profile or profile in "documents&settings" and not with the "portable profile".

How to force PortableThunderbird to use the "protable profile"?

1. Are there parameters for PTB? Where to find a documentation?
2. How to force PortableThunderbird to use the "protable profile"?

Ryan McCue
Ryan McCue's picture
Last seen: 15 years 5 months ago
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Dont have thunderbird.exe as

Dont have thunderbird.exe as your default app use portablethunderbird.exe
Anything like -compose is passed on
R McCue

"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."

Last seen: 16 years 2 months ago
Joined: 2006-02-14 06:11
No Difference

It makes no difference in use if there




When PTB is started before you use a mailto function it is the defaultmailer and use the existing profile.

When PTB is not started before you use a mailto function it is the defaultmailer and want to create a new profile.

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 25 min 16 sec ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21

If you have thunderbird.exe set and no copy of TB is running, it will use your LOCAL profile for TB. You need to set PortableThunderbird.exe in the registry if you want Portable Thunderbird to be your default mail client.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

Last seen: 18 years 3 months ago
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so why isn't it working?

I've tried everything as stated above:


change the default value to (in my case...)


but it doesn't work so i also tried it with DOS filenames as such:


and it still doesn't work, instead Thunderbird.exe opens & asks me to create a new mail account. are there any spec. parameters to go with it? i've tried w/ and w/o "-compose" and "%1"

Thanks in advance

Edit: i've also disabled Thunderbird.exe to check if it's the default mail app. so i'm quite sure that PortableThunderbird.exe is the default app.

Elminster (not verified)

Hi there,
I stumbled so often over this post on the search for the very same answer that I guess I should tell you now how it worked for me Wink

I guess you could change anything in [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Clients\Mail\Mozilla Thunderbird] and in [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Clients\Mail\Mozilla Thunderbird] to the correct path to portablethunderbird.exe, but I think you only have to change these:

I think for Firefox you only have to change to two keys:

1 (FF). [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Clients\Mail\Mozilla Thunderbird\Protocols\mailto\shell\open\command]
@="C:\\PROGRA~1\\_INTER~1\\PORTAB~1.5_D\\THUNDE~1\\THUNDE~1.EXE -compose %1"

2 (FF). [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Clients\Mail\Mozilla Thunderbird\shell\open\command]
@="C:\\PROGRA~1\\_INTER~1\\PORTAB~1.5_D\\THUNDE~1\\THUNDE~1.EXE -mail"

You only have to adjust the paths to match with portablethunderbird.exe (I'm not sure if you have to use the 8.3-Filename, but to be sure I used "porta~1.exe". As you see the first one has the option "-compose" and the second one "-mail" - you got to keep those switches (at least I guess so, since how else should TB know waht to open).

This one is for the mail-client in the start-menu (sure about this)
1. (Smenu) [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Clients\Mail\Mozilla Thunderbird\shell\open\command]
@="C:\\PROGRA~1\\_INTER~1\\PORTAB~1.5_D\\THUNDE~1\\THUNDE~1.EXE -mail"

This one seems to be for the right-click-option on the default mail-client in the startmenu:
2. (Smenu) [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Clients\Mail\Mozilla Thunderbird\shell\properties\command]
@="C:\\PROGRA~1\\_INTER~1\\PORTAB~1.5_D\\THUNDE~1\\THUNDE~1.EXE -options"

This one seems to be for opening mails from the file-explorer (well I never do that, but...):
1. (Files) [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Clients\Mail\Mozilla Thunderbird\.eml\shell\open\command]
@="C:\\PROGRA~1\\_INTER~1\\PORTAB~1.5_D\\THUNDE~1\\THUNDE~1.EXE \"%1\""

Well, I also changed those keys (those two have hex-values after exporting so you have to check yourself with regedit to change the values)


Maybe someone can confirm that you only have to change exactely those two keys for Firefox and the other two for the Startmenu - would be easier to make a reg-file for the next time Wink


PS: Here is another approach:

PPS: Whoa, really happy that I write such long posts in an external editor - stupid forum Wink

Last seen: 17 years 6 months ago
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...for the info, Elminster - now at least I know which registry keys I need to edit! Actually, it looks like your instructions are for "regular" TB - I'll need to use the path to "PortableThunderbird.exe" instead of "Thunderbird.exe".

I've been going thru hell trying to set up my client w/ Portable Thunderbird on an external hard drive. We're doing this so that all of his email-related files (application, messages, settings, address book, etc) will reside *completely* on that external drive. In the event his computer ever craps out, he'll be able to just plug that drive into his backup computer without missing a beat. I just wanted to point this out, since we're not really using PTB for the "usual" purpose that most people do: install it on a key drive so that you can just plug it into any Windows computer or whatever. Most people using PTB in the typical "portable" sense don't *want* to set it as the default email client, so I guess that's why it's generally not much of an issue.

Anyway, I'll try editing the keys that you mentioned; and then I'll let you know how it works.

thanks again,

Elminster (not verified)
Well, I have the portable

Well, I have the portable Version. Contrary to the current Portable Firefox where you can't make it the default browser per the option setting, it is still possible with TB 1.5. The problem is just, that this settings sets the path to thunderbird.exe an not to portablethunderbird.exe.

So the instructions above are for the scenario that you once make TB you default mail client because than you have all the registry keys created and can easily edit the paths to portablethunderbird.exe Wink

What I did above makes it possible to open PTB from FF (in my case also the portable version) or any other program - you just have to edit them to "USBdrive-letter:\PTB\portab~1.exe" for example.

But you are right - I'm not running PTB from a stick, but I'm now able to copy it there with all my settings kept. It's just more convenient to run it from harddisk but now with the profile in the PTB-Folder when I open it from another application Smile

BTW... all the settings could also be done in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, but I think than it affects all users...

BTW2 *g*... if you want to make portable Firefox the default browser this can be done much easier with this little helper:

They also have a tool for the default mail-client, but there you can't chose the exe yourself... (

Last seen: 17 years 6 months ago
Joined: 2006-03-01 14:02
thanks again...

...for more useful info, Elminster. I'm actually gonna wait a few days to give my brain a rest after my last torturous session with this client's machine. It's via remote, too - which always makes everything a bit harder & more frustrating. Wink

Anyway, I'll give your suggested keys a try and let you know how I make out. I suspect there may actually be a few more keys involved - in particular the path to the TB MAPI DLL? - to make it truly the Windows default email client in *ALL* respects.

Yes, I'm familiar with that DefaultMail utility - in fact that's what I initially used to set TB as his default, and I assumed that I could just then do a simple search-n-replace for the TB path in the registry after that. How wrong I was...

After we've got this whole thing figured out maybe we can get the DefaultMail guy to add PTB support to his program, to make this whole thing easier in the future. Of course, it would also entail adding an add'l "user input" dialog to his program, since the user would have to specify the PTB path. Food for thought...

In any case, I may end up writing some .vbs scripts for this after I figure it out. I'll certainly be happy to share them with everyone here at PortableApps.

I'm also familiar with the DefaultBrowser utility you mentioned - works well. I usually use BrowserTraySwitch, which is GREAT for switching your default browser *on-the-fly* from the system tray - very cool:

I'll keep you "posted".

(btw, I thought that PTB was supposed to have the "email client check" disabled as part of its trimmed-down features. It appears to be enabled on the 1.0.7 version I've been working with. Or perhaps I ran the regular .exe once by mistake, which then set the "email client check" flag to "1" in the registry?)


Elminster (not verified)

I already sent a feedaback-mail suggesting to add the same functionality as the DefaultBrowser-tool has. I guess the feature would be easy to implement. So far no answer, but maybe my english is too bad *g*

But since this tool does work in general, I just had another Idea.
1. Download DefaultMail
2. Download
3. Start both and set the filters in Regmon to
- "Include": DefaultMail.exe
- You may uncheck all logs except "Log Writes" to shorten the output (I don't see why anythign else than writes could be important to figure out what needs to be changed for the default client)
4. Start DefaultMail and make Thunderbird you default client
5. Now you have all keys that DefaultMail changes to set the default client - should be pretty easy now to change all entries to portablethunderbird.exe now I guess Smile

I just did it and this is the result:

I guess the you can ignore the "delete"-part as well as the "Outlook Express" and "Hotmail" writes. Maybe this is the best way... Smile

PS: This forum really lacks a mail notification on new replies Biggrin

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