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Image Printer and/or Pdf Printer

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Last seen: 9 years 9 months ago
Joined: 2015-05-22 09:39
Image Printer and/or Pdf Printer

Hi, I would like to request any of the two softwares mentioned above or even both if possible. Sometimes printing to either pdf or image helps in archiving and or backing up things. It would be great if you were able to add these two to your portfolio of apps, Thank you.

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 2 min 50 sec ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
Local Only

A PDF printer that allows you to 'print' to a PDF from another program has to be installed locally. Period. End of story. That's the way printers work in Windows.

You can export to PDF from DOC, DOCX, XLS, XLSX, RTF, etc from LibreOffice Portable, which is just about everything you'd want to export to a PDF except web pages. And you can export web pages to PDFs using Firefox and an extension:

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

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