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Auto Updating

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Last seen: 18 years 6 days ago
Joined: 2007-02-12 09:51
Auto Updating


I started using TB portable today - works great!

It popped a screen telling me a newer version of TB was available.

As it was not the latest PortableAp I did not do the upgrade.

What would have happened if I did the auto upgrade?

I guess this is a kind of bug - AutoUgrading should refer to the latest Portable Ap available and not the latest TB available.


arqbrulo's picture
Last seen: 5 years 2 days ago
Joined: 2006-08-10 16:38
Dont worry

You can do the in-place (auto) upgrades without any problems. John has said before that most (if not all) of the programs he puts out supports this. Also, next time, or just in case you dont belive me, use the search feature located on top. Here's the results of a quick search for in-place upgrades:
Marge: Homer, the plant called. They said if you don't show up tomorrow don't bother showing up on Monday.
Homer: Woo-hoo. Four-day weekend.

"In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on." -- Robert Frost
"In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: baby ain't mine." -- Adam Holguin

Last seen: 15 years 4 months ago
Joined: 2007-02-12 15:46

Both Thunderbird and Firefox update fine. Both in terms of the main programs and themes and extensions.

Last seen: 18 years 5 days ago
Joined: 2007-02-12 19:28
Problems with auto update

I have problems auto-updating thunderbird portable.
I am using version with gpg and enigmail. I added lightning and german language extensions. The updater downloads the thunderbird-update but after restarting thunderbird portable it shows an error that it could not install the update and then it tries to download the whole thunderbird-package but after restarting it fails, too. Can anyone tell me how to fix that or how to update thunderbird portable manually?

Thank you!

arqbrulo's picture
Last seen: 5 years 2 days ago
Joined: 2006-08-10 16:38

Did you UPX the files to save space? This happened to me when I did this. Just let it do a complete update, it never hurt me when I did it.
Marge: Homer, the plant called. They said if you don't show up tomorrow don't bother showing up on Monday.
Homer: Woo-hoo. Four-day weekend.

"In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on." -- Robert Frost
"In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: baby ain't mine." -- Adam Holguin

Last seen: 18 years 5 days ago
Joined: 2007-02-12 19:28
Whats UPX? No the complete

Whats UPX?
No the complete update didn't work either. I am using Windows Vista Business...
Works great except the update. But didn't think that is the update, but a misconfiguration.

Do you have a Zip-File or a new portable exe so that I can upgrade manually? On this site I found only

Last seen: 18 years 5 days ago
Joined: 2007-02-12 19:28
Firefox 2.0 upgrade does

Firefox 2.0 upgrade does work, but the updater requests administrator rights. Thunderbird update does still noch work, so a manual zipfile-archiv would be helpful.

Bahamut's picture
Last seen: 13 years 2 months ago
Joined: 2006-04-07 08:44
Make sure you have plenty of

Make sure you have plenty of free space (40+ MB is good). That's the most common reason updates fail.


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