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Planner Portable 0.14.2 paf

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tanisthalon's picture
Last seen: 4 years 2 months ago
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Planner Portable 0.14.2 paf

I have created a new portable version of Planner (Planner is a general purpose project management tool), ready for beta testing.


  • Directory structure is compatible to
  • Uses installed settings
  • Fancy splash-screen

The selfextracting archive can be downloaded from its current location.

The download link (7.09 MB):

PlannerPortable 0.14.2

Updated 15/02/07 - Added Help File
Moved 21/02/07 - Changed directory from Beta to Portable App Development



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Last seen: 4 years 11 months ago
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Just tried running the

Just tried running the installer. It stayed at 0% for a few minutes, then went to 34%, but then just hung. And is still just sitting there. I hit "Cancel" and confirmed, but it hasn't closed (yet). It has been 5 minutes. Smile

I just saw that your comment says that it "Uses installed settings." Does this mean you already need to have it installed before running this?


Sic semper tyrannosauro.

Sic semper tyrannosauro.

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Different experience

I had a different experience altogether. The self-extracting installer ran smoothly and quickly and in the matter of less than one minute I was up and running. Looks good so far -- I've been looking for an MS Project replacement for some time now.

tanisthalon's picture
Last seen: 4 years 2 months ago
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Sorry you seem to be having problems, TRexian. I myself have no problems running the exe.
With regards to the 'uses installed settings', that refers to the registry files etc. The launcher temporarily places them on the host then removes them on closure.
If you keep running into problems trying to extract it let me know and I will arrange something else for you to try.


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Last seen: 4 years 11 months ago
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Different day....

Second time's the charm, I guess. Smile Did a fresh download and install at home instead of the office, and it seems to work now. Will have to explore this a bit. I'd been looking at Open Workbench, but I don't believe there's a portable app for that.

If I can plan some time to figure this out, it'll probably be worth it. Something ironic in that, I think - planning time to figure out a planner....

Anyway, thanks for the continued development of portable apps like this.

Sic semper tyrannosauro.

Sic semper tyrannosauro.

tanisthalon's picture
Last seen: 4 years 2 months ago
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Open Workbench

I had posted an Open Workbench Portable App last year but took it down again due to the crazy license. I tried the Open Workbench forums and stuff to get the permission I needed to put it back up but have not had any response etc. Currently looks like it will remain in limbo for a long time to come. The App was fully working too and I do prefer it to Planner.


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download link removed

Yeah, I saw that thread, but the link had been removed. I looked at the license, and while it is crazy, I'm not sure it prevents what you did. But, I also understand the "abundance of caution" mentality that had the link removed.

It looks like this Planner will suffice for my meager needs. Smile

Sic semper tyrannosauro.

Sic semper tyrannosauro.

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Open Workbench

I do prefer OWB too, it's much more complete than planner.

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The scheduling algorithm is "owned" by Computer Associates. As long as we don'tmodify the scheduling algorithm we should be fine. If you need me to talk to the CA Lawyers please let me know I can approach them.

Thanks & Regards
Raja Srinivasan

Thanks & Regards
Raja Srinivasan

Last seen: 9 months 4 weeks ago
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Open Workbench?

tanisthalon, Could you send me the parts that make OW portable? Not the program, I'll get that myself. No possible legal violation that way. I have a hotmail account that is ed056 , thanks.

BTW, "Open" Workbench has not had an update in 2 years and its not that people are not contributing. Funny thing though, the CA proprietary version is frequently updated and it sure looks like the stuff that people are contributing to the next "open" version! Any questions about this disapear from their forum within minutes. Me thinks I smell a rat.

tanisthalon's picture
Last seen: 4 years 2 months ago
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Sorry I have since removed my backup of this as I moved from XP to Linux just before Christmas. I am looking at getting back into doing some reworks on some of my current set of Apps. Unfortunately I may be moving away from Planner as it has had few updates. Currently thinking about looking into OpenProj to replace it.

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stone1343's picture
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I vote for OpenProj

OpenProj (which my fingers always type as OpenPorj, BTW) can open MS Porject files (see, I left that typo as proof), which I don't think Planner can.

OpenProj uses Java, but I don't think that's a problem anymore.

tanisthalon's picture
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That is one of the reasons I mentioned OpenProj as some of my colleagues use MS Project at work. I myself only tend to use AutoCad, SolidWorks & AlphaCam along with MS Office software.

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Seems to work

Thx Tanisthalon for making this one very usefull.

Seems to work here but I need to test it on a clean computer to be sure.
Because when I tried to make planner portable I manage to make the planner fully working on my home computer but only partially working at my office (never manage to print anything there)on a clean computer.I will confirm you as soon as possible.

Also for the other users
You can use your own language by adding a "locale" directory and your language directory inside exapmle (PlannerPortable\App\Planner\share\locale\fr) for french. Download your language from



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Printing impossible

I have tested it at my office on a clean computer without anything installed and user rights only the resukt is I can't print or even make a printing preview.
I got an error about runtime library.
I can't give you more information on the error because I wrote everything on a paper that I have left at my office. Will try not to forget tomorrow



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So far so good. Downloaded and installed the application. Took a while to install on my flash drive but as this PC is out of The Ark and runs USB 1.1 that is hardly surprising. Opens up and runs fine as far as I can tell so I'll have a play with it when I get home.

niolonra's picture
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Hi Folks
This looked interesting so I downloaded and tried... I get

"The application failed to initialize properly (0xc0000142). Click on OK to terminate the application"

Any ideas?

tanisthalon's picture
Last seen: 4 years 2 months ago
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Have a look at...

Sorry for the late response, I have been active in the real world for a change. Try here

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I tried extracting it

I tried extracting it manuaally with WinRAR but it stayed at 5% the whole time and I noticed it kept showing the same 5 or 6 file names. I also tried opening with WinRAR and all the files seemed to show right.


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tanisthalon's picture
Last seen: 4 years 2 months ago
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It was created with 7-Zip. Extract it with that instead then place it on your pendrive. If you still have problems let me know and I will sort a separate file out for you.

In fact try this instead, its created with the NSIS Zip2Exe: PlannerPortable 0.14.2

Visualize the possibilities!

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Last seen: 17 years 3 months ago
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this one worked for me

I got the same 35% completed on the progress bar, then it just froze. I only waited a couple of minute before forcing it closed.

After downloading the NSIS Zip2Exe version, it installed fine.

Last seen: 6 years 4 months ago
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GTK directory


Any possibility to have a line in an .ini file for Portable Planner so that my GTK directory in .\PortableApps\CommonFiles can be used instead of the one in .\PortableApps\PlannerPortable\App ?

It works for Gimp and Dia portable.

Bst rgds from France

tanisthalon's picture
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I will look at it after I have finalised Blender.

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just a silly question

can it open MS Project files?

tanisthalon's picture
Last seen: 4 years 2 months ago
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From recollection... it does not.

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Last seen: 9 years 1 month ago
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Hi, is there any chance you

Hi, is there any chance you could tweak it to make it import Microsoft Project .mpp files?



BTW. I too had 0%-34%-hang issue when installing but I left it and eventually it finished ok.

BuddhaChu's picture
Last seen: 8 months 2 weeks ago
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Tweak what?

The app is just portablized so if that's a change to the program itself, you'll need to post that request on the application's website/forum/etc.

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tanisthalon's picture
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As BuddaChu mentioned that request has to go to the Planner site this is made into a windows program by

For Microsoft Project support refer to this comment I will hopefully get around to this in the coming weeks.

As for those that have trouble with the extraction of the file in the main post, there was another I quickly put up for someone else here although it is currently unlikely I will be updating it to match the current file set been used by John et al. It all depends on if Planner itself gets any updates and how I get on with OpenProj.

Dell XPS M1530 Laptop
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