Application: MediaMonkey
Category: Music & Video
Description: MediaMonkey (sometimes noted as M.M.) is a digital media player and media library application developed by Ventis Media Inc., for organizing and playing audio on Microsoft Windows operating systems. By using plugins, it can be extended to handle video and other media formats as well.
MediaMonkey uses the freemium licensing model; the base program is available as freeware but a premium gold license unlocks additional features such as the ability to have multiple media collections, the ability to organize files automatically, and others. Both editions can be extensively enhanced with skins, third-party plugins, and user-generated extension scripts. It uses SQLite to manage its database
Download MediaMonkey Portable Development Test 2 [0.65MB+15.6MB download / 56.5MB installed]
(MD5: 0e11a8a7a5f1417e7365d4ee2d1f2858)
Release Notes:
Development Test 2 (2015-08-20):
- Added multi language support
- Tested addons, no problems there
- Tweaked PAL
Have fun testing and thank you for giving me feedback!
Development Test 1 (2015-08-20): Initial Release
- Based on the portable version
- Although MediaMonkey claims to be portable, it leaves a lot of unneeded junk in the registry and in %APPDATA%. The PAL deals with that.
- This is an online installer, nothing is altered, so it should be save legalwise. The original installer is downloaded from the MediaMonkey website. Through a custom NSIS installer script innounp extracts the original installer and the files are moved into the PAF template folders. Exception is the blank configuration .ini, which gets some entries added, which would be made anyway by the original MM installer if portable installation is chosen.
- I have not tested yet, if any addons leave something behind, but I guess not.
Have fun testing and thank you for giving me feedback!
I haven't done much of a thorough test, but it looks like you're copying too many files/folders to the Data folder. A lot of the files you're copying over are files that are not going to be modified by the user. For instance the Locale folder and the Scripts folder. There will be files that the user will add to the Scripts folder, but you don't need to copy over every file, only those created by the user.
I know I haven't been around in a long time, but rather than recreate the launcher, why don't you take my original version and update it? Maybe give mine a more thorough testing and see if I'm missing anything and see what needs to be done to update it to the latest PortableApps specifications. Looking through your source it seems overly complicated.
I'm not trying to discourage you, I ran your version for a little bit and I didn't see any files or registry entries left behind so it definitely works, but I would like to know what I need to do to mine to make sure it works with the latest version.
Hi there,
thank you for your input, I really appreciate it. I guess MediaMonkey is just not so popular around here anymore :/
I looked at your package but since it is based on the locally installed version of MediaMonkey 3 I guessed that it would be easier to start from scratch as I wanted it to be based on MediaMonkey 4's portable installation option.
You are right that a lot of the files are not altered by the user and they wouldn't be needed to be copied. But if you look at the Locale folder for example, we cannot know which languages the user does download supplementarly and which not. The only way to make sure all user alterations are saved irrspective of what he or she changes, is to move the whole directory. The PAL is not capable to be so differentiated and I am not profound enough of the NSIS script to write a PortableApps.comLauncherCustom.nsh. Furthermore, I didn't have any lags or speed problems because of the quantity of the moved directories. The way I did it is surely not the most elegant way but it's clean and easy imho.
The new version is coming soon. I will have a look which files are definitely not altered and then edit the launcher for the next release.
My contributions, enjoy!
Unfortunately you're right, there isn't a lot of interest in MediaMonkey but that doesn't make it any less amazing.
Both of our installers work the exact same way, they are downloading the same file. There is no difference between the local installer and the portable installer other than an option you choose during setup.
If you're feeling ambitious one thing I've never been able to figure out is how to update the drive letters in the MM.db. This would make the library truly portable, right now if your drive letter changes between sessions you have to update the library manually through MediaMonkey.
It's been quite a while, but I just tested what happens if the drive letter changes and my iteration of MediaMonkey Portable handles this perfectly fine as the drive letter change is recognized and I don't have to update the library manually. Apparently another advantage of choosing the portable option during installation.
My contributions, enjoy!