I had put it on an USB HD I took the HD out of a computer and reformated it I had not idea NTFS would be a problem it seems it is It took me an hour to finally get the NTFS file system wiped off and make it a fat 32 drive, I used another fat 32 drive with all this Fire Fox Portable and it worked fine so I think your USB HD must be Fat 32 for it to work right.
Firefox and Firefox Portable work just fine on NTFS volumes. I'm using FxP on one now, and have been for a long time.
Well, it worked but something about write and read permissions were a problem with the USB drive? I had trouble that I did not with the FAT 32 USB HD (One is 40gig and the other 30 gig) SO Ihave gone to Fat 32 and just posted this here incase anyone else has the same thing happen?
You run it on other computers and no problem? I ran them both on security enabled systems at school, the NTFS one is the one that gave me the errors.
NTFS supports POSIX permissions, but you can prevent Windows from using that. You have your drive as FAT32 now, so backup your data, close anything that is running from the drive, and type the following on a commandline (the Run... box works too, but you'll want to see output):
convert [drive letter] /FS:NTFS /V /NoSecurity /X
It will format the volume to NTFS with security disabled.