I want to learn how PortableApps.com handle 64-bit apps.
But, many of apps that have been portablized by PortableApps.com in Portable Apps Directory that I never heard before, so I don't know if it's have an 64-bit variant or not.
And I don't want to try all apps one by one, you know it has 300+ apps on it.
Thus, give me the list of apps that has:
1. 32-bit files which can only run on 32-bit machine and 64-bit files which can only run on 64-bit machine
2. 32-bit files which can run on both 32-bit and 64-bit machine and has 64-bit variant
3. of course, wasn't portablized using PAL
Thanks before.
Sorry for my bad English, hope you can still get what I said.
Note: If this thread were not posted in the right place, please move it to the right place.
The complete rationale on handling 64-bit apps is here: https://portableapps.com/node/24371
An example of each type is included in that post. JkDefrag is type 1. 7-Zip is type 2 and is packaged as a dual mode app (32-bit and 64-bit versions in a single app) because of the significant performance gains, typical use case where it benefits users, and small increase in installed file size.
We don't maintain a complete list of apps that fit each category. Each app is done on a case by case basis based on whether it has separate 32-bit and 64-bit versions, whether the 64-bit version offers any measurable advantages (major increase in speed, additional 64-bit only features, required to work on the specific machines), and what the file size increase would be to include both 32-bit and 64-bit as opposed to just the 32-bit version.
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