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suggestion (IMPORTANT)

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suggestion (IMPORTANT)

I am currently making a new PA template (development page); the current one is not very good.....
I am going to make it more straightforward and easy so that newcomers like me can understand it more easily....
@ John T. Haller: If you want, I could upload the file here, and maybe you could update the template on the development page... Smile

I am also making a development kit which includes all the programs/utilities necessary to make a new portable app....
(Including and HTML editor, icon extractor, PA installer and launcher, the PA template and more) Smile
@ John T. Haller: Again, if you want, I could upload the file here, and maybe you could put the kit on the development page... Smile

This would be a great help for newcomers; because I went through a lot of trouble figuring out how to package a new app, I decided to make it easier for others.... Smile

Last seen: 7 years 9 months ago
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Here is the updated PA Template

Here it is:
Due credits please~ Smile

I'm still working on the kit... Smile

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Gord Caswell
Gord Caswell's picture
Last seen: 2 weeks 6 days ago
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  1. In the template-readme file, you said "Put all the app data in Data."
    This is incorrect, default data should be put in App\DefaultData, nothing should be in Data to start with, nor should it exist until the application is first run.
  2. Your appinfo.ini readme is redundant, as all that information is available here.
  3. Your default appinfo.ini is including all options, many that are not always required, and should not be included if they aren't required. This is why we don't have a copy provided in the template.
  4. You should not be including a Data directory, as mentioned above.
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So I don't need the Data folder?
As for the appinfo.ini and the read me, I just made them so I wouldn't have to search for them....

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What will happen if the Data folder is there?
Will an error occur or something?

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vf2nsr's picture
Last seen: 8 years 4 months ago
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By default

When you package a program using the PortableApps installer it will not include the data folder, if for some reason you have something required to be in data folder you then place it in default data folder, on install it gets moved to data folder....again as much as you do not want to get bogged down in the schematics of reading it is sort of all explained in the development guidelines

“Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.” Dr. Seuss

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it is "sort of all explained in the development guidelines" Sad
That is an understatement; one has to really search/research/reresearch in order to obtain all the necessary information...
My template has one and only one objective- to make it simple and straightforward to anyone who wants to package a portable app for the first time... Smile

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IMHO. the only way to achieve

IMHO. the only way to achieve this would be an example based tutorial.
There is no way to make a simple and straightforward template that would work for more than the most basic apps (that are already fully portable by design). There have been some effords in the past (like the guerillia field guide or the promising but still alpha state paf-assistant) but afaikt no magic has arisen that would save people from search/research/reresearch (not to forget build/test/adjust/rebuild/test...). Wink

But nevertheless, every contribution is welcome. You possibly find a way to ease the packaging especially for newly interested folks. Smile

Ken Herbert
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Last seen: 5 hours 54 min ago
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Don't jump too far ahead of yourself

We used to supply software bundles (all the apps, just the basics, a few different tailored packages) but it is far too hard to maintain as individual apps are updated. I strongly doubt John will want to start supporting another bundle like that.

It is honestly much easier to let everyone build the collection they want, how they want, from the apps we have on offer, because apart from a small few (Launcher, Installer, NSIS), there are multiple app choices for each step of the development process.

Gord Caswell
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Something I've previously built (but sadly can't find my copy of) is a package similar to what Chris Morgan had built, which "hooks" into the other official development apps or other apps as needed (Notepad++, Nvu, SeaMonkey, etc), and only needs updating if the format or template gets updated. It would also include a validator, just like Chris's had.

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well, I find my template more easy to understand

Whatever you say, the current one is very hard to understand and has quite a few grammatical errors and also has some other issues as well.... Sad
Anyway, if John declines my suggestion, it doesn't matter, cuz I'll be using this to package my own portable apps... Smile
Just wanted to share it though~ Smile
Are you implying that the PA Developer kit won't be needed either? Sad
I'm almost finished with making it.... Smile

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Ken Herbert
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Last seen: 5 hours 54 min ago
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Your "development kit" is

Your "development kit" is what I am talking about.

I haven't had the chance to look at your template package, too busy with my day job right now.

Last seen: 7 years 9 months ago
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Here is the PA developer kit

It's quite a small sized package considering that you don't need ANY additional software (except for the base app of course) to package a portable app.... Smile
Take a look at it~ Smile
Any reviews are welcome~ Smile

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vf2nsr's picture
Last seen: 8 years 4 months ago
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First impression

In a ip file so not even in a Portableapps format

“Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.” Dr. Seuss

Wm ...
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including Kompozer?

what's that in there for?


vf2nsr's picture
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Many of us use to write html files with

“Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.” Dr. Seuss

Wm ...
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sure but why include one at all?

I quite like Kompozer as a basic HTML editor and have got some people writing HTML using it.

My question is why include any HTML editor in this package at all?


Gord Caswell
Gord Caswell's picture
Last seen: 2 weeks 6 days ago
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not needed

I agree, including an html editor is not needed. Linking to it, sure, but not including it.

vf2nsr's picture
Last seen: 8 years 4 months ago
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inorder to modify the help.html

to make it specific to app requires an html editor. I know first hand that using Word messes up html som maybe that is why?

as it is a WYSWYG type editor and fairly easy?

“Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.” Dr. Seuss

Gord Caswell
Gord Caswell's picture
Last seen: 2 weeks 6 days ago
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Link to current package

I agree, but there's no need to bundle something we already offer - just link to the existing package.

Note that with the rebuild of the Development Toolkit I'm working on, appinfo.ini and launcher.ini can either be edited in the app, or for advanced users, externally in the tool of choice (notepad++ or one of the other editors, etc). As for help.html, it'll always be edited externally using either a text or WYSIWYG editor.

vf2nsr's picture
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however if just linked then it not a complete package? my thought was this would be a one download all you ne3eded type one?

I agree for me I use notepad+++ for things like ini and cfg but WYSWYG for html I think is best way to go?

Of course that will be up to developer of package as it is with any app we do Smile

“Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.” Dr. Seuss

Gord Caswell
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By you have to remember that if this went official we would be having to update two packages any time the html editor was updated.

On top of that, adding in extra apps, for someone that's just starting out, seems to me to be a case of biting off more than they can chew....

vf2nsr's picture
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Totally agree

You are right links to them will go well. Biggest problem I see is user will download and use with out understanding the concepts.

They will think OK I run it and my app is auto portable, even though it may require more I agree there should be something easier....Heck look at how bad I was at first lol but we also need to teach users there is no vanilla panacea to making and app. I just afraid that is what people will think it is not a tool to help but a way to make it for me?

“Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.” Dr. Seuss

Ken Herbert
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Last seen: 5 hours 54 min ago
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That is the problem

Beginners all think "surely it can be made easier, there must be some way to reduce the learning curve to almost nothing and still produce a 100% portable, to-spec PortableApp".

Unfortunately (I think) there really isn't much of a way to reduce the amount of knowledge needed, only to improve the workflow (which it sounds like Gord's app may assist with).

Because, no matter what, no amount of improvements to the workflow will prepare a beginner for figuring their way around an app for which they need to set the working directory....

(and personally I would never touch a WYSIWYG HTML editor, even when I was a raw beginner. Give me a plain text editor any day.)

Gord Caswell
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Last seen: 2 weeks 6 days ago
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text vs wysiwyg

I personally do everything in a text editor, switching to WYSIWYG to make sure I haven't missed a closing tag on occasion, but notepad++ tends to help me out with that, so I don't do it very often.

I am firmly against an "automatic" app creator, as we all know the complexities involved in figuring out some apps. Yes, Ken, from what I could tell, the development Toolkit both was, and will be, used to improve workflow.

On a side note, I plan to follow up the first dev test with a series of (for now) text-based instructions on topics such as "setting up a VM environment", " using git portably", "using regshot as a development tool", etc. Things we do every time we work with a package, sometimes now without really thinking what we're doing, but would be useful to help a new developer.

Ken Herbert
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Last seen: 5 hours 54 min ago
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Sounds great

A lot of the stuff we currently have is outdated and isn't the easiest to find (or in some cases just doesn't exist eg. a good set of VM instructions), so any kind of tutorials would be very welcome.

Not sure how much of a priority a git tutorial would be since it is really down to personal preference if you use some kind of version control and which you use (I know git, but don't use it for PortableApps development so that might just be my bias).

I think a Launcher debugging tutorial (took me a long while, maybe a year, to realize you even could run it in debugging mode) and basic troubleshooting FAQ (Q: I packaged my app, the launcher runs, then quits without starting the base app? A: Try setting the working dir, is it a .NET app and do you have the right Framework version installed etc.) would be highly valuable for beginners as well.

Wish I could help more right now, but I am heading towards hour number 75 of work for this week. After February I will be able to have a bit more time on my hands (including, hopefully, a week or two off for the extra hours I am doing right now). Either way, if there is anything you need a hand with, let me know and I'll try my best.

Gord Caswell
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Last seen: 2 weeks 6 days ago
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Will do

Ew, 75 hours? And I thought my regular schedule of 48 hours in 4 days was bad... Then again if I work overtime it's easy to push that up: 2 shifts of OT puts me at 72 hours.

We can compile a list later, but those are both good ideas.

vf2nsr's picture
Last seen: 8 years 4 months ago
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Wow we all agree

Gord I willing to help if I can but I do the 12-14 hours shift basically 7 days a week.

I agree in some respects about use of tags etc, however in my brain I not always get teh coding correct lol guess because I am me.

love the idea of the tutorial for things like regshot, vm etc....

And you both right it is more complex, especially given the java apps, .net aps, QT apps etc etc.

I guess I just afraid that the "new" user will wnat the product fool proof like thininstall and just not wantt o give false hopes.

Guess Programming is learning so it has to include education not just doing?

THanks guys

“Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.” Dr. Seuss

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I've been busy lately, but from the comments I can see that it not "easy" to make new portable apps.... Sad
I'll just support you guys anyway I can, but I'm not going to try to make new apps...
I'm too busy anyway... (I wasn't able to log in for a whole week, I was so busy)

I love PortableApps! ❤❤❤

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