You are here Development Toolkit 1.0 Alpha 1.2

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3D1T0R's picture
Last seen: 3 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2006-12-29 23:48 Development Toolkit 1.0 Alpha 1.2

Application: Development Toolkit
Category: Development
Description: Development Toolkit is a utility for assisting with app development.

Download Development Toolkit 1.0 Alpha 1.2 [8.00MB download / 9.71MB installed]
(MD5: 7fc19ced03b76caabc2eecc1fbbd3429 / SHA1: 333cd6b8563b4aac105a97ff6ab816cbbbf73f4d)

Note: This is a continuation of the project development by Chris Morgan with some help from Aluísio A. S. G.(previously known as kAlug) available from here.
Release Notes:

1.0 Alpha 1.2 (2016-03-18):

  • Launcher can now be found under it's new "PortableApps.comLauncherGenerator.exe" name.
  • The Browse buttons on the Options page work.

1.0 Alpha 1.1 (2016-03-18):

  • UI overhaul (Chris Morgan)
  • Bug fixes & other improvements by Chris Morgan & kAlug
  • Released to showcase how far the project had come before it got abandoned.

1.0 Alpha 1 (2011-04-07):

Source is available at

Sorry about the odd versioning, I'm pretty sure Chris didn't release it as it was because it has some bugs that need to be ironed out before it's really ready for Alpha 2. I'll work on these as Alpha 1.x releases, then when I think it's ready I'll post Alpha 2, and hopefully get to where I can call it Beta soon...ish.

Gord Caswell
Gord Caswell's picture
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PAF spec

This week I'm (along with trying to get the rest of outdated apps updated) going to try to get the PAF spec internal to this app updated to the current standard & pushed to the repo.

3D1T0R's picture
Last seen: 3 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2006-12-29 23:48
Cool, thanks.

I look forward to having your help on this.


3D1T0R's picture
Last seen: 3 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2006-12-29 23:48 Format question: [Details] keys requirements..?

So I'm trying to update this to verify against the current Format specifications, and I see that some of the items are stated as being optional, but I was wondering … in App\AppInfo\appinfo.ini, under [Details], are Donate & Language really required, or are they just missing their "(optional)" notes?


John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
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Language defaults to multilingual if you leave it off.

Donate and homepage are optional

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

3D1T0R's picture
Last seen: 3 years 8 months ago
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Oh, Homepage too, eh?

Thanks for the info.


John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 12 sec ago
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Technically they're optional for compiling.

Homepage is required for all official releases. As is Language. As is Donate if there is a valid donation link/page for a given app.

I'm adding them all to apps as they get updated since the platform now uses both Homepage and Donate as of 13.0

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

Gord Caswell
Gord Caswell's picture
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You said pretty much what I was going to say...Optional, BUT...


3D1T0R's picture
Last seen: 3 years 8 months ago
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Mind if I treat Homepage & Language as required

OK, in that case do you mind if I treat Homepage & Language as required (for the purpose of the ini validator), and Donate as optional?


Gord Caswell
Gord Caswell's picture
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What if you used an IF/ELSE statement?

In other words, if this is an official release (or revision, I think there's that distinction), treat it as required, otherwise treat it as optional?

3D1T0R's picture
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There's lots of if/else statements going on...

I'm not really a very knowledgeable python developer (yet), and the way it all works is a bit convoluted, so I'm actually not sure how to do that at the moment.
If I can figure it out, I'd like to make it a warning if they're not present, but I'm still figuring out how a lot of it works.


Gord Caswell
Gord Caswell's picture
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Appicon.ico validation

I've started looking into adding appicon.ico validation.

Right now, the app verifies if the file exists, and stops there. It does not verify if the required sizes exist or not.

I've opened an issue for it on github, and will hopefully get somewhere with it.

3D1T0R's picture
Last seen: 3 years 8 months ago
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Cool, that sounds like a very nice feature to have.


Gord Caswell
Gord Caswell's picture
Last seen: 3 weeks 3 days ago
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appinfo.ini install error?

I think I found a bug on install - appinfo.ini appears to be written on a single line, rather than spaced as it should be.
This appears to have happened with the original app as well, when I do a clean install of it.
Since I haven't previously come across this problem, I wonder if it has anything to do with Win10 or x64, since I didn't have either of those when Alpha 1 came out.

I'm going to do some further testing with my VM's, but can anyone duplicate?

3D1T0R's picture
Last seen: 3 years 8 months ago
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*nix style line endings.

This is probably due to unix/linux style line endings. I see this all the time, sometimes even in official PA.c apps' text files. I'm sorry I didn't think to check for this prior to publishing.

Edit: I set "autocrlf" to true in git's settings, so my text files in future should have Windows style line endings. If you want to do so too, run git config --global core.autocrlf true. (If you're using Git GUI in Git Portable, you can run this from "Repository" > "Git Bash" menu entry.)
Note: this doesn't change files already in your working copy, so you'll want to commit any changes you've made, delete everything that has the wrong line-endings (or everything in your working copy), then 'revert' the files back to what you just committed so that they're written by git back to what they were. … If you weren't really ready to commit all the changes you just did, then (after you have everything reverted to your temporary commit) you can use one of Git GUI's "Repository" > "Visualize … History" menu entries to right-click on your previous commit & "Reset … branch to here" choosing "mixed" which will set you back to that commit, but leave the files in your working copy as they are.


Gord Caswell
Gord Caswell's picture
Last seen: 3 weeks 3 days ago
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Awesome, thanks for looking into it. The only reason I noticed was because I had installed the new app beside the old one, and the new one wasn't showing up for me in the platform, even after refreshing icons. It still launched manually.

What surprises me is that Alpha 1 exhibited the same problem, however I didn't notice it until now.

3D1T0R's picture
Last seen: 3 years 8 months ago
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That's odd.

That shouldn't happen. The Platform should handle ini files with *nix & mac line endings just fine (it always has for me).


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It all seems to work great

It all seems to work great but if keeps giving an error telling me this:
ERROR: [Details]:Name [Details]:AppID or [Version]:PackageVersion not found in appinfo.ini files.
Even though when I check the file these parts are accounted for. Am I missing something?

Gord Caswell
Gord Caswell's picture
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Which app?

Which app are you testing?

I just ran a quick test against AkelPad Portable, and the only errors that popped up are PAF Specification ones - i.e. - this app isn't up to date with the current specs yet.

3D1T0R's picture
Last seen: 3 years 8 months ago
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Error from Launcher, not Dev Toolkit.

I spoke with Cheshire_Cheval yesterday, and this error was coming from the PA.c Launcher, not the PA.c Development Toolkit.
Also, I believe it was due to a corrupted/damaged installation of the Launcher Generator, and have asked Cheshire_Cheval to reinstall the PA.c Launcher. Hopefully that'll fix it, but we'll see. (Please let us know Cheshire_Cheval.)


Gord Caswell
Gord Caswell's picture
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Corrupt vs need to fix

Hopefully it was a corrupt install, rather than something else we need to fix within PAL...there's enough we need to fix in it.

BTW, are you free to chat on IRC?

3D1T0R's picture
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Sorry, not only am I a bit busy at the moment, I actually don't use IRC (I know how to, I just don't have an account, and don't really want my static IP address showing up in the logs). I need to do something about that at some point, but unfortunately it's going to have to wait a bit as I have other, more pressing matters to attend to for now.


Gord Caswell
Gord Caswell's picture
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No worries

No worries, I was just going to chat about Dev environments. Another time Smile

Ken Herbert
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I know it adds another

I know it adds another external source to things, but what about setting up a Slack team for PortableApps (even just as a development channel)? It is IRC-like and easy to use. Just for a free account you can't rely on how long the history will stick around (my work uses it heavily, we have around a month and a half of history).

3D1T0R's picture
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I don't think that's necessary.

I am planning to get on IRC, I just don't want it all tied to my physical location, so I just need to take the time to sign up for an account and set up an account with a good BNC.
Actually, I've been intending to do so for quite a while, and have figured out just about exactly what I want to do, now I have to find the time to do it and I can't this week (other, more pressing matters), but I may be able to in the near future after that.

In fact, I was intending to ask if I could be a Release Team member, but as I wasn't set up for IRC yet, I held back. Once I get myself set up properly, I intend to set up Quassel IRC so I can be available as much as possible.


3D1T0R's picture
Last seen: 3 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2006-12-29 23:48
Help with App\AppInfo\appinfo.ini: [Associations] validation?

Hello again, I'm working on adding validation for the [Associations] section of appinfo.ini (currently it says it's an invalid section) and I'm not entirely certain what the validator should check for.

So far, I have it (in my local copy) accepting [Associations] as an optional section, enumerating what filetypes are in [Associations]:FileTypes (if present) and what protocols are in [Associations]:Protocols (if present), and allowing for all the optional keys within [Associations] currently in PAF 3.0.
The following is what validation I have working in my local copy [and some questions in square brackets.]:

  • FileTypes
    Error if starts or ends with comma
    Error if contains any of ".:/\<>?* [is there anything else I should check for?]
    Error if contains spaces
    Error if contains duplicate entries
    Error if contains uppercase
  • FileTypeCommandLine
    Error if %1 is not in the value [is this right? is %1 required? or can other %something's be used? (same goes for other somethingCommandLine values)]
  • FileTypeCommandLine-extension
    (where extension is one of the filetype extensions found in [Associations]:FileTypes)
    If an extension is not in [Associations]:FileTypes, the key will be treated as invalid
    Error if %1 is not in the value
  • Protocols
    Error if starts or ends with comma
    Error if contains any of ".:/\<>?* [any of these I should not check for? anything else I should check for?]
    Error if contains spaces
    Error if contains duplicate entries
    Error if contains uppercase
  • ProtocolCommandLine
    Error if %1 is not in the value
  • ProtocolCommandLine-protocol
    (where protocol is one of the protocols found in [Associations]:Protocols)
    If a protocol is not in [Associations]:Protocols the key will be treated as invalid
    Error if %1 is not in the value
  • SendTo
    Error if present but not set to "true"
    Warning if set to "true" that it's "only appropriate for very specific cases"
  • SendToCommandLine
    Error if [Associations]:SendTo is not also present
    Error if %1 is not in the value
  • Shell
    Error if present but not set to "true"
    Warning if set to "true" that it's "only appropriate for very specific cases"
  • ShellCommandLine
    Error if [Associations]:Shell is not present
    No validation of the value [what are the requirements for this value?]

What am I missing? Is anything wrong? Do I have anything on there that perhaps I shouldn't? Should I change any Warnings to Errors, or vice versa?
I'm not sure what else to check for, but I don't feel it's quite ready for me to push it to the public repo yet.

I'm also working on adding validation for the [FileTypeIcons] section, but I feel that it depends on [Associations] too much to bother discussing it until I'm happy with the validation for the [Associations] section.

Edit: Updated to reflect changes I've made to my local copy since I first posted this question.

[Edit: Bump… Hello? … Anyone?]


Gord Caswell
Gord Caswell's picture
Last seen: 3 weeks 3 days ago
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Looks good

This looks good to me. Commandlines I believe use %1 for filenames, nothing else.

At a glance, I think the errors are all correct.

3D1T0R's picture
Last seen: 3 years 8 months ago
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Some of the information I found when trying to figure out what kind of requirements to put on [Associations]:ShellCommandLine, indicated that %1 might contain a 'short name' (not sure if this is 8.3 notation, or something else) even when the receiving exe would accept a 'long name', and that %L would contain the 'long name' unless the exe being launched was a 16-bit exe, in which case it too would switch to the 'short name' (because 16-bit exe's can't handle the 'long name').
I'm not sure if that information applies to any of this or not though. Pardon


Gord Caswell
Gord Caswell's picture
Last seen: 3 weeks 3 days ago
Joined: 2008-07-24 18:46
SuperUser answer

See this superuser answer, I think ti contains some possible answers:

3D1T0R's picture
Last seen: 3 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2006-12-29 23:48
Yes, but what of that applies to which of these?

Yes, I saw that while looking up info, but I'm not sure how/if any (or how much) of it applies to the PAF's [Associations]:…CommandLine values. (especially as the Platform's File Association feature isn't yet active for me to experiment with)


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