I have a USB stick that I've had for a few years. I keep a few things on it. I'm interested in using it with PortableApps (specifically with Chrome Portable). Can I use it and still have the other non-PA files on it?
EDIT: I forgot to ask but what about capacity? My intention is to mainly use Chrome Portable with the LastPass Extension (they have a portable version). Beyond the space needed for LastPass's database, how much space will PA & Chrome Portable require (ball park estimate is fine)?
The PortableApps.com Platform works with apps that aren't from here automatically as long as you put them in the proper place: https://portableapps.com/support/platform#addingotherapps
Each app you're interested in will list the installed size right near the download button. The platform is about 9MB. Google Chrome is about 150MB (it's kinda huge for a browser).
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