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Last seen: 17 years 6 months ago
Joined: 2007-02-26 10:52

PocketBlinds....: Possible Portable App. ?

PocketBlinds is the first free form skinning extension for Windows CE 3.x or later (PocketPC). PocketBlinds allows you to skin the title bar completely and add/position as many buttons as you can fit. Moreover, it is compatible with the WindowBlinds plug-in format allowing users to easily make their own title bar "gadgets" (MP3 players, stock tickers, memory meters, etc.). It's also free.

Now, note thats for WinCE 3.x; but what if we got them to "expand" to our flashdrives?

We've recently begun working with another developer on updating PocketBlinds for newer devices, which he should then be offering in the coming months.

If they could do that, then it'd be fantastic for USB Flash Disk User Environment! Boot right into your personalized SKIN ( I'm partial to Treetogs Transilvana.wb skin
Oh yeah I'd just LOVE to have The Portable Apps Menu / Launcher to skin along with the rest. Biggrin