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Gimp 2.8.16

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Last seen: 8 years 9 months ago
Joined: 2016-05-10 13:35
Gimp 2.8.16

Hello dear people of

please don't be mad at me for this question because I seriously need help, because I am not able to find the bug in my program, I also don't really know when it stopped working however here is the issue!

Gimp 2.8.16 just stopped recognizing .jpg and .png and so on and I don't know what went wrong

So I googled the issue and the given solution there was to install an older version of gimp portable however this also had the same issue.

I updated lately from Windows 7 32bit to Windows 7 64bit is this the problem?

I need the portable programs to work for school if this is the only issue I can live with it because the laptops at school are 32bits.

But it would be nice to find out an solution together!

Thank you for helping me in advance!

Last seen: 8 years 9 months ago
Joined: 2016-05-10 13:35
just solved it! I just

just solved it! I just downloaded portable programs once again and have chosen gimp from the list took very long to install however it worked - then I copyed the gimp folder to my original portable programs folder and it works perfectly!

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