An error occurred while copying the upgrade platform: D:\PortableApps\PortableApps\\Data\
Screenshot: (Ru version)
UPD: 2016-06-03
Added English version of Installer
Screenshot: (En version)
Unfortunately, I can't read Russian and can't use a translation service on the picture. Could you type out the message in Russian so I can please?
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
Added English version of Installer.
Screenshot: (En version)
Installation completed
Installation completed successfully
Extract: DirectoryWatchCopyrightAndLicense.txt
Extract: License.txt
Extract: Source.txt
Installation folder: D:\PortableApps\PortableApps
Installation folder: D:\PortableApps
Extract: Start.exe
Create a folder: D:\PortableApps\PortableApps\\Data
An error occurred while copying
This is generally a permissions issue. Is the drive formatted NTFS? If so, please ensure that "Everyone" is set for "Full Access" for the entire location that the platform and all apps are. It would also help to check the drive for errors.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
Yes, the NTFS file system.
I checked access to the folder.
The "system" and "Administrators" and "Authenticated Users" have full access, and the group "Users" only has access to view the contents of a folder and execute the file. I'm in the group "Administrators". This error started appearing after upgrade platform. If you set the platform completely, the error will not happen. It will appear again after the next update platform. Already I conducted such tests.
If this is an external drive, you must set "Everyone" specifically to "Full Access", otherwise different things will randomly break as you move between PCs. "Everyone" doesn't mean system, administrators and authenticated users, it is a very specific security artifact in Windows that must be set on regular external drives that move between PCs.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!