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MakeHuman 1.1.0

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Last seen: 8 years 5 months ago
Joined: 2016-08-06 07:25
MakeHuman 1.1.0

Application: MakeHuman

Category: Graphics & Pictures

Description: MakeHuman is a free, open source software which allows the creation of realistic 3D human characters fast and in a simplified manner, through the manipulation of controls for different human attributes.

Download link:

Release notes:

20160803: Hopefully finalized all PA metadata files (such as help). Include MHX2. Include 0_mhapi. Include 8_community_assets.

About this submission:

This release is made by the MakeHuman team, and it packages a known to be stable release. As we're new on the topic of PortableApps, we'd appreciate feedback on the PA packaging per se. For some reason it sometimes fails to uninstall (when rightclick - uninstall in the PA menu) with a message box simply saying it was unable to uninstall but with no further explanation.

Last seen: 3 months 4 days ago
Joined: 2014-06-26 10:21
Quick check and basics work

Hope this becomes an official PAc app to go along with Blender. Quick check and things are working correctly.

Installed in the PAc Platform on a USB thumbdrive.
Community Assests synchronized and downloaded some clothes OK.
Made a character and exported to collada and makehuman exchange 2.
Both imported to Blender with no issues.

Have not tried uninstalling yet but so far looks good.

Oh, you probably need to change the application name, in the announcement, into a link for the MakeHuman site MakeHuman

Last seen: 3 months 4 days ago
Joined: 2014-06-26 10:21
re Unable to Uninstall

First off, everything appears to be working on an old Windows XP laptop and a newer Windows 8.1 laptop. This was the most recent version.

As to the problem with "Unable to Uninstall" problem. This was not an exhaustive test and I don't know the situation in which you experienced this problem.

On Windows XP on USB flashdrive with PAc Platform.

Installed MakeHumanPortable and uninstalled, through the Platform, a dozen times and had no problems. This included creating and saving new characters and adding new clothing assets.

Could force the error to occur by uninstalling while MakeHumna was running. Clearing the error message and running uninstall again removed MakeHuman.

Could also force the error when had a number of new assets installed and creating a new character. Task Manager showed a higher memory usage by makehuman.exe. I then closed MakeHuman and while still shown in Task Manager choose Uninstall from the Platform. Again the error "Unable to Uninstall" would come up.

Some of the files and folders in the MakeHumanPortable folder had been removed. Running uninstall again would clear everything.

The delay in closing MakeHuman maybe because of this old laptop's CPU / memory speed coupled with the USB 2.0 port used. It actually varied between approximately 5 and 10 seconds. Waiting longer till the closing of files had completed resulted in no errors.

On Windows 8.1 on USB flashdrive with PAc Platform.

Installed MakeHumanPortable and uninstalled, through the Platform, about a half-dozen times before experiencing the error.

Went to the PortableApps folder and noticed that the MakeHumanPortable folder was still highlighted. The folder itself was empty. Realized that I had looked around the MakeHumanPortable folder when I had copied in new assets. Uninstall again completed the removal.

Tried install and uninstall another half-dozen times, without going into the MakeHumanPortable folder, and experienced no errors on uninstall.

Tried install and uninstall several more times but this time using File Explorer to look through the folders under the MakeHumanPortable folder. Stepping back through the folders I noticed the pevious folder was still highlighted. When I reached the PortableApps folder I noted the MakeHumanPortable folder was still highlighted.
Each time I tried to uninstall through the PAc Platform I got the "Unable to Uninstall" error. Only the empty MakeHumanPortable folder was left. Running Uninstall again completed removal.

Normally a user would not be going into these folders and probably not before an Uninstall

I did try to duplicated this with a couple other PAc Apps, including BlenderPortable, to see if it occurs for them and found it does. I did find that if I went back to the root of the USB drive then back to the PortableApps folder the applicationPortable folder was no longer highlighted and the Uninstall performed correctly. This maybe peculiar to the PAc Paltform under Windows 8.1.

I don't have other versions of Windows to try but this seems to happen in Windows 8.1.

Last seen: 8 years 5 months ago
Joined: 2016-08-06 07:25
Thank you for your thorough

Thank you for your thorough testing. It's entirely possible I happened to try to uninstall before the running process had properly ended. I ran the tests in a virtual machine with pretty limited resources.

Good to have an explanation. The error seemed completely random to me.

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