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Instal keepass on usb stick and access it on the mac

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Last seen: 8 years 7 months ago
Joined: 2016-08-13 08:00
Instal keepass on usb stick and access it on the mac


Can you please tell me how do I access portable keepass 2 on a mac after having unzipped it on a USB stick. Concerning Mono Framework I've installed on my Mac.

Last seen: 1 week 4 days ago
Joined: 2008-09-19 13:35
KeePass Portable is Windows Only

Put simply, you can't do that. KeePass Portable, as available from this site is Windows only, as is the portable version available directly from the KeePass site.

The KeePass site states that, if you have Mono installed:

"Mac OS Secret
Install the KeePass 2.x for Mac OS X package (link on the downloads page)". - i.e. it's a version of KeePass specifically compiled to run on OS X with Mono.

Alternatively, you could install the Windows Version in a Wine Wrapper with Mono installed, which should be able run from a USB disk, but it won't be truly portable as almost all Mac OS X (including all Wine Apps) leave some traces on the Host System. It would however be capable of storing the KeePass Database on the USB. However, an individual Wine App would be extremely large in comparison to the same software as a portable Windows app, typically 300-500Mb or more, depending on the dependencies required.

There is a similar software available for Mac OS X, i.e. KeePassX, which was originally a fork of the Windows software, but the latest version is a complete rewrite. KeePassX uses the KeePass 2 (.kdbx) database format, which presumably means it can read/write to the same database file used by KeePass 2.x. As a native Mac app KeePassX doesn't require Mono, but it's NOT 'portable'.

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