How abut to use Franz as a portable app?
It is possible to make it?
Some info:
Franz is a free messaging app and combines chat & messaging services into one application. Franz currently supports Slack, WhatsApp, WeChat, HipChat, Facebook Messenger, Telegram, Google Hangouts, GroupMe, Skype and many more. You can download Franz for Mac, Windows & Linux.
Thank you.
Franz is a web browser that just embeds the web versions of all those apps, that's how it's able to "support" so many services. You can just use all the web-based clients for all of those in Chrome Portable or Firefox Portable and it will work. Franz uses a version of Chromium internally. Chrome is built on Chromium.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
If Franz would 'just' be a web-browser, you would be right. However, Franz overcomes a few problems that using a web browser would cause: using multiple accounts on a single site, keep tabs open (yes pinned tabs would do that... sort of) and maybe even more that I don't come up with currently
imho Franz would be a nice app to add to the PortableApps repository. I don't know if it helps, but Chocolatey already provides a portable version of Franz:
It would be a really great add to the portableapps platform
And now is totally open source:
IT specialist
Writing/book coach
Game creator
[Link to illegal software site removed by mod JTH]
Thanks for sharing that link!
Thanks for sharing, it works fine
IT specialist
Writing/book coach
Game creator
I created a portable format of this app if someone want
Portabilizing application... 14 at the moment