I have downloaded and installed Soda PDF 3D Reader (which has a page turning feature) on my online laptop, but I am unable to install it on my offline desktop with its larger screen because the installation process accesses the internet.
I am looking at making Soda PDF portable and so I installed Launcher and NSIS, but I am totally confused.
Firstly, can I be quite clear that Launcher will do what I want?
If so, I fell at the first hurdle.
When I start Launcher and tell it where the program is I get the following message:
ERROR: C:\Program Files (x86)\SodaPDF3DReader\App\AppInfo\appinfo.ini doesn't exist!
Does this mean that Launcher will only handle PortableApps programs, ie programs that are already portable?
Surely there has to be a way to make Soda PDF portable?
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Launcher Generator
January 30, 2017 - 4:21am
Launcher Generator
The PirtableApps.com Launcher does not automatically make applications portable, it takes settings provided and ensures the application is launched portably.
With that said, Soda PDF 3D Reader is a commercial application with a license that doesn't support being used portably. As such, we are unable to help further.