The installer creates an "=App" folder and within a "mumble" folder in the base directory. I noticed this while installing Mumble via the PA.c Platform and merging it into my branch. I downloaded the package from Sourceforge directly, installed it and the same thing happens. So I checked the package but there is no such folder. AFAIR this isn't the first time this is happening. Is it just me or is something wrong with the installer?
Can confirm existence of naughty folder. I also noticed it and thought it was weird. The properties of the "Data" folder, and the "=App" folder as well its subfolder "mumble", show a creation date of December 1, 2016 as opposed to the install date a couple of days ago. The "App" and "Other" folders show the install date. Could be useful info as to the cause of the problem.
This was due to an installer.ini typo. It's fixed in 1.2.19 Rev 2.
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