Hi, This app comes in a portable form already here: http://www.syncfolders.elementfx.com/download.html
And the app itself is completely freeware.
It would be nice to be able to have it as a portable package incorporated within the platform.
I'd be happy to see it as an alternative to FreeFileSync.
Thank You.
John, any news on this ?
This application is Freeware, so enabling it to work in PortableApps format would require explicit permission from the App Developer. It might also help if the Developer were willing to host a PortableApps version. You could of course ask the Developer yourself as, if permission was obtained, it might encourage a volunteer PortableApps Developer to pick it up.
The app also requires the Microsoft .NET Framework (not clear what version), meaning it could not be released as an official PortableApps version until a final decision is taken on how .NET apps will be managed/supported.
Note: These Forums are for general PortableApps communications rather than a Direct channel of communication with John Haller, so you shouldn't expect any direct personal response. I very much doubt he has the time to monitor every message posted.