Application: HostsMan
Category: Utilities
Description: HostsMan is a freeware application that lets you manage your Hosts file with ease.
Main features
- Built-in hosts file updater
- Enable/Disable hosts file
- Built-in hosts editor
- Scan hosts for errors, duplicates and possible hijacks
- Hosts file backup manager
- Exclusion list
- ...
Download HostsMan Portable 4.8.106 Dev Test 2 [0.93+3.05MB download / 7.0MB installed]
(MD5: 8d2ea0b1e4301a4c2a7f9cf0dd0f2b52)
(SHA-256: 3a6b62629749a9837b4560c80a7fa988f5f2874b38223c40d638cc01dfc31974)
Project on GitHub
Release Notes:
4.8.106 Dev Test 2 (2021-07-11): See update notes
4.8.106 Dev Test 1 (2018-01-04): Update base app
4.7.105 Dev Test 2 (2017-05-30): Added online installer + disable system tray icon + folder names and launcher settings improvements
4.7.105 Dev Test 1 (2017-05-13): Initial release
Okay so I downloaded it, launched it, loved it.
Although, when I tried closing the application for whatever reason (probably my computer) hm.exe just stayed in the process tree not allowing the launcher to close and unload. So I took the liberty in revising your work a bit (hope you don't mind) and turned it into an Online Installer and added custom.nsh for added functionality and better architecture compatibility.
Download HostsMan Portable 4.7.105 Dev Test 2 [942.13 KB | 8.19 MB installed]
(MD5: C55F7F15315BDD1030F8E8A2DF4ADA74)
Forked on GitHub
EDIT: I now realize that the process was just hiding in the system tray.. it wasn't hanging in the process tree. Lol. My bad...
Thank you very much for your interest and contribution, I appreciated it.
The system tray icon can be "improved" easily. Also I created an online installer, but didn't upload the files at this time... But there are some other things that I can not realize....
1) In
I think theAdditionalInstallSize=
must be the extracted size which is approximately 8040kb, not the download size of the archive (please correct me if I'm wrong). Also I think theDownloadFilename=
must be only HostsMan, not the archive file name.2) Is it necessary to make all this thing with the
? The launcher do the job well3) When I test your release, I see that when I run the app it automatically make a copy of the existing Hosts file to the
directory. After that if I run it on another computer, the backuped file replace the existing one. For example I run the app on a computer with default Hosts file setting (PC-1), after that I run it on a computer with highly customized Hosts file (PC-2) and this file was replaced with the file from PC-1 and I lost my file in PC-2 (thanks I make a backup before this)Thanks. Hopefully the changes I've implemented will remedy this.
Download HostsMan Portable 4.7.105 Dev Test 3 [946.74 KB | 8.19 MB installed]
(MD5: ABE40E88D4C96DBE993967137EC6C868)
Dev. Test 3
Update base app
I downloaded from above this file: "HostsMan Portable 4.8.106 Dev Test 1 [0.93+3.05MB download / 7.0MB installed] (MD5: f1b99b158717383e985013176eac0f16)". Windows Defender marked it as Trojan:Win32/Vigorf.A and removed it immediately. In official Hostman site v4.8.106 is nowhere to be found, only 4.7.105 is available for download.
What gives?
as always, should any of the above seem greek to you, don't worry; it probably is...
Looks like the downloadpage isn't up to date. You'll get the file once you click on download.
Thank you, it's a gdrive link and I didn't realize it could lead to another version. Just downloaded that .zip and Windows Defender does not object to it. So the issue is with the installer above.
as always, should any of the above seem greek to you, don't worry; it probably is...
Hello @QueenOfStars Thank you for your report. I re-check the file and the result are here: ~VirusTotal~, ~MetaDefender~, ~Jotti~, ~NoDistribute~. I try to check on but I have error with file uploading. Also send an e-mail to ClamAV to check the file.
Could you try to report the file to the because I don't know which OS and product you are using?
I think this is a false positive report. Also you can try to build the package for yourself and check it again.
Hello, I gave it another shot today and file was downloaded just fine. Whatever it was, it's gone now.
as always, should any of the above seem greek to you, don't worry; it probably is...
but the GDrive link for theno installer
version contain the4.8.106