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*FOUND* A way to rename/reorder/remove programs from the menu!!!

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Last seen: 17 years 11 months ago
Joined: 2007-03-10 16:01
*FOUND* A way to rename/reorder/remove programs from the menu!!!

I found this by looking around and bringing together a bunch of info. this works with .exe and .bat. It is a pretty long process but i have not found a case where it did not work like has happened with a bunch of other processes.


Instructions below are for making all of the required programs portable, if you want these to show up in your portable apps menu just make a folder for them in (drive letter)\PortableApps\. Also please note that everything within {curly braces} you need to replace with whatever the contents direct. I have linked the numbers to example images

1. Get XNResourceEditor, SnIco Edit, and Universal Extractor
all of these are portable and can be found at http://
2. Get Auto it (this can be done by downloading This file, and using Universal Extractor to unpack it

3. go to to folder within {drive letter}\PortableApps\ that has the app you want to rename/reorder/remove. (known as appFolder below)
4. Create a folder named Application.
5. Move all files into appFolder\Application
6. Create a text file within appFolder
7. rename that file to {New File name}.au3 the file name MAY have spaces in it
8. open that file with notepad.
9. put the following into the file

; Script Start
Run("\PortableApps\{appFolder}\Application\{exe or bat you want to rename/reorder/keep}","\PortableApps\{appFolder}\Application")
; Script End

For EXEs
10. Open XNResourceEditor.
11. using XNResourceEditor open \PortableApps\{appFolder}\Application\{exe you want to rename/reorder/keep}
12. Double click on Icon Group.
13. Within each folder below Icon Group is a folder with an icon in it, select the one most like the icon of the exe you want to rename/reorder/keep.
14. right click the selected icon (not the picture of the icon but the object in the folder)
15. click export resource
16. within the save box, navigate to the appFolder
17. type a name silimar to icon.ico (you may change icon to whatever but the ico extension must stay)

For Bat Files
10-17. Find an icon for your file and save it in the appFolder with a name silimar to icon.ico (you may change icon to whatever but the ico extension must stay) or we will use the default one later on.

18. open Aut2Exe (within the autoit folder go to Aut2Exe and double click Aut2Exe.exe)
19. under source put the FULL file name of the .au3 file (or you can find it using the browse btn)
20. Under icon put the FULL file name of the .ico file (or you can find it using the browse btn) or skip this step if you are using the default
21. click convert
22. You now have you renamed Exe Smile you may repeat steps 3-22 for any exe or bat within that appfolder or any other

After if you want to rename it agian, just rename the exe file and it should rename in the apps menu.

Note: to eorder the files you need t do steps 3-22 for all of your apps anhd have their names {one/two letters or a number}-{your pick} and they will come out in alphabatical order.

MY apps menu after i went through this process MANY times

Ryan McCue
Ryan McCue's picture
Last seen: 15 years 4 months ago
Joined: 2006-01-06 21:27

Why not just use ResHacker to rename it?
Ryan McCue
Current Fav. Songs:

  • Ballroom Blitz - The Misfits
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"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."

Last seen: 17 years 11 months ago
Joined: 2007-03-10 16:01
i've ahyd problems with that

i've had problems with that messing up the program

Espreon's picture
Last seen: 12 years 6 months ago
Joined: 2006-09-29 18:23
You can just remove

unwanted .exe s from the menu very easily just change the file extension of the unwanted exe(s) to .ex
Windows recognizes .ex files as compressed .exe s
That solution works (even if the app needs the unwanted .exe in the same directory)

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