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ID3v2ChapterTool Portable 1.4.4 Development Test 1

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Gord Caswell
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Last seen: 47 min 41 sec ago
Joined: 2008-07-24 18:46
ID3v2ChapterTool Portable 1.4.4 Development Test 1

Application: ID3v2ChapterTool
Category: Music & Video
Description: ID3v2ChapterTool is an application which allows you to author and embed chapter information in your MP3 files. It is part of the BBC open source initiative and is maintained as a Sourceforge project. The application uses a new signalling specification that has been developed by
Other: Java-based application.

Download ID3v2ChapterTool Portable 1.4.4 Development Test 1 [2.60MB download / 3.67MB installed]
(MD5: 95d3e523f6927f36ed1ccb4dfc91bf0b)

Release Notes:

Development Test 1 (2017-SEP-10): Initial release