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How to report Toucan bugs

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Last seen: 2 years 11 months ago
Joined: 2013-06-16 16:17
How to report Toucan bugs

Due to foum engine limitations, it's not possible to subscribe to all new topics created in the Toucan forum. And given my free time limitations, it is unfortunately rather inconvenient for me to visit forum all the time just to check if there are any updates, so I'd prefer folks to report issues on GitHub right away, their notifications system helps me be up-to-date with much less effort. And forums, on the contrary, are a good place for general questions, usage tips and so on, where my direct involvement is not that important as community can chime in.

So, if you have a bug (confirmed or suspected) or a feature request for Toucan - please submit it at
If you have general question, unsure of how some functionality works or need a usage advice - please use this forum.