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Font size in the (context) menus with display zoom 150% (15 Beta 2)

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Martin0815's picture
Last seen: 6 years 3 months ago
Joined: 2009-12-19 15:28
Font size in the (context) menus with display zoom 150% (15 Beta 2)

Dear support team,

I work with 150% desktop zoom and had often problems reading the menus shown using the "Backup", "Apps" (etc.) menu buttons or in the context menu of list items in the apps list.

Since version 15, now beta 2, those menus have a much more readable font size. But in relation to the fonts arround, the font size in those menus is much to big!

Please take a look at the image at screenshot of 15b2.

Best regards


John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 22 hours 12 min ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
By Design

As discussed in a couple other comments, this is by design. There's a bug in Delphi 10.2.2's menu handling that causes them to be huge when there are images in the menu and scaling is above 100% on Windows 10. I made the decision that 125% and 150% didn't look too bad and retained the images there but removed them for higher scaling. I may revise that for the next beta. It's a choice between bigger fonts or losing the submenu's icons.

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