I wanted to use clamscan (the command line tool) in comb ination with downloadscan (http://downloadstatusbar.mozdev.org/downscan/). Clamscan brings always error message that the database file can not be found.
Could you make the command line tool portable aswell? Would be damm usefull.
you can pass the necessary parameters on to the commandline.
"What about Love?" - "Overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate." - Al Pacino in The Devils Advocate
I did not get it to work. You? Can you give me the command line please I have to use with?
Unless you prefer the DOS window of the command line scanner I think you'd be better off with using the GUI for Download Scan. This has two advantages:
1) If a virus is detected the ClamWin window remains open. The DOS window would close after the scan, regardless of the result.
2) The manipulation of paths is easier. clamscan.exe requires the absolute paths to virus DB and log file, which you would have to adapt every time you change the drive letter. If you use the launcher ClamWinPortable.exe instead the arguments are simpler:
--mode=scanner --path=%1 --close
Of course the path to the executable itself still has to be changed every time you switch drive letters by either using the add-ons menu or about:config.
Maybe the launcher could rewrite the entry in prefs.js? Or better, Download Scan could be made to support relative paths