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GIMP plugins

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Last seen: 2 years 3 months ago
Joined: 2017-06-03 17:02
GIMP plugins

hi, would you please so kind as to tell me,
where to install GIMP plugins portable (e.g. g'mic)
thanks in advance,

Last seen: 2 years 3 months ago
Joined: 2017-06-03 17:02
reply to myself (and otherswho might need it)

have found this solution
...sorry for the "weak" english Wink
maybe sombody can translate it. it works!!!

Hier die Info für Dr. Pepper

Tipp geben: Zunächst braucht er die 32-Bit-Version. Die kann er dann entpacken und den Ordner "gmic-gimp-qt-2.0.3-win32" unter folgenden Pfad auf den Stick kopieren: Laufwerk:\PortableApps\GIMPPortable\more Plugins (sofern er die Portable Apps Suite benutzt - ansonsten entsprechend ohne "Portable Apps"). Schließlich muss er noch GIMP Portable starten und im Menü "Bearbeiten" unter "Einstellungen">"Ordner">"Plugins" einen neuen Eintrag mit obigem Pfad erzeugen. Also rechts oben links im Dialog"Einstellungen" auf das Symbol der leeren Seite klicken (für den neuen Eintrag) und dann ganz rechts oben auf das Ordnersymbol um den Browser zu öffnen und zum Ordner "gmic-gimp-qt-2.0.3-win32" navigieren, sich in diesen hinein klicken und dann mit zweimal "OK" bestätigen und GIMP neu starten. Dann sollte G'MIC unten im Menü "Filter" erscheinen. Um alle aktuellen Filter verfügbar zu haben (derzeit 487 Stück) sollte er außerdem noch den runden Pfeil unten anklicken um die Filter zu aktualisieren.

Vielleicht ist's dies?

Last seen: 4 months 3 days ago
Joined: 2010-09-06 06:36
GMIC Plug In

The problem is the most useful plug in of GIMP - GMIC, doesn't work.

The reason is it is available in a modern form only - 64 Bit while we have GIMP 32 Bit only.

Last seen: 5 hours 56 min ago
Joined: 2010-06-05 17:19
No, it's not.

As described in the post above, you need the 32 Bit version. The one that is available from the G'MIC-homepage (try "Browse all files").
Ah, ok. Got it. It's just not the latest minor version. 32bit is on 2.4.2 (one version below the latest 2.4.5 as it seems). Still very useful and maybe just on backlog.
Btw. the best folder to place plugins (2.10) seems to be \PortableApps\GIMPPortable\Data\.gimp\plug-ins because that way they are automatically used by GIMP, when they are just one folder deep - e.g extract the folder gmic_gimp_qt from the archive so that the folder structure is \PortableApps\GIMPPortable\Data\.gimp\plug-ins\gmic_gimp_qt. Don't use the filename (gmic-gimp-qt-X.X.X-win32) as additional folder as described in rudi111's post.
Placing it in Data ensures that it is preserved during updates and picked up by the backup function.

Last seen: 4 months 3 days ago
Joined: 2010-09-06 06:36
Point Is 64 Bit

Point is at this time we should offer GIMP like programs in 64 Bit flavor to the least.
Image Processing on big images requires a lot of memory.

So I wish we had GIMP Portable 32 Bit and GIMP Portable 64 Bit.

Last seen: 5 hours 56 min ago
Joined: 2010-06-05 17:19
This is not the topic of this thread.

While I agree with you on the 64bit-version of GIMP, it's not the topic of this thread. So please stop hijacking it for your own interests. I know the search function of this board is lousy but gets even worse the more you scatter information in unrelated threads. Wink

Last seen: 2 years 6 months ago
Joined: 2008-03-02 14:21
Works this way for me

Downloaded (That path as I've entered it will initiate the download directly.)
Extracted to folder gmic_gimp_qt.
Copied folder to D:\PortableApps\PortableApps\GIMPPortable\Data\.gimp\plug-ins
In GIMP, added D:\PortableApps\PortableApps\GIMPPortable\Data\.gimp\plug-ins\gmic_gimp_qt to the Folders>Plugins directory in Edit>Preferences as per the G'MIC video at
Restarted GIMP. Seems to work fine.

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