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Updater Issue - Keepass

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Last seen: 5 years 1 month ago
Joined: 2019-01-25 10:10
Updater Issue - Keepass

I have only noticed with Keepass, could be others? Running Keepass 2.34. Platform 16.0. Auto updater says 'all apps up to date' even though Keepass 2.41 is available on site.

I did also notice that in the platform-> help -> about -> apps tab that Keepass is not listed in alpha like all other apps. Instead it is listed at the end and after a space/blank line. Not sure if this influences what apps are checked for updates or not - or possibly indicates a different issue that prevents the platform from checking the apps properly. Also, after the keepass entry is another entry 'SHInstUtil - Keepass Helper Utility'. I am guessing this is because it's related to keepass.

This is as of 20190125.

Last seen: 5 years 1 month ago
Joined: 2019-01-25 10:10
more info

Attempted to update manually and noticed that it now installs to a different directory. When did this update to KeepassPro? I don't see any reference on to this. I am not sure when but the dir went from Keepass-2.x to KeePassProPortable. The updates for keepass via the platform used to work just fine....

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 57 min 31 sec ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
Separate Apps

KeePassPortable and KeePassProPortable are separate apps. The first is KeePass Classic. The second is KeePass Pro aka KeePass .NET aka KeePass 2.x. If you somehow managed to install the latter into the former's directory, the updater won't realize it is out of date because its version number is higher than KeePass Classic's.

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Last seen: 5 years 1 month ago
Joined: 2019-01-25 10:10
while I understand what you

while I understand what you are saying, i'd want to reiterate that I have been using portable apps and keepass 2.x portable ever since I can remember. It was installed to ..\Keepass-2.x\ since the beginning and it was getting updates via the platform. The portableapps directory must have changed at some point post keepass 2.34. Makes one wonder how many folks are not realizing there is an update available for them. I am just fine downloading the .zip from and copying files myself thus keeping the directory as .\keepass-2.x\ This will help with scripts and other automations that I have --- the issue is because I was using the portableapps updater I didn't realize for awhile that the app had updates available (it is much simpler to use the portableapps updater so I was relying on that - I only looked because it seemed odd that there had not been an update in quite some time.)

all that aside, who decided to call it keepass pro? It is not an official name. I've never heard it referenced as Keepass .NET. From the site
KeePass Edition Comparison
KeePass is available in two different editions: 1.x and 2.x. They are fundamentally different (2.x is not based on 1.x). Both editions run on Windows operating systems; KeePass 2.x additionally runs on Mono (Linux, Mac OS X, BSD, etc.).

What are KeePass Classic and KeePass Professional?
During the initial development of 2.x (i.e. while there was no public alpha version available), it was called "KeePass Professional". The current 1.x version should be renamed to "KeePass Classic". This naming should emphasize that 2.x isn't simply the successor of 1.x. Shortly before the first alpha version was released, there were long discussions about the naming and we finally decided to call the new version "2.x".
This was done particularly with regard to future development. The naming was changed, but the intention remains the same: 2.x isn't the successor of 1.x, and 1.x isn't dead.

Last seen: 3 hours 58 min ago
Joined: 2010-06-05 17:19
The first official PA.c

The first official PA.c release of KeePass 2.x was 2.39 (see here). Before that date, it should not have been updated by the platform (but I may be wrong with that one, don't know if it was on beta channel or something). AFAIR it has always been called KeePass Pro(fessional) in the Development Tests here on PortableApps and that was not changed after the release (see here).
Same with the install folder. I may be wrong, but all the development tests I know of used the same directory \KeePassProPortable\ as default folder.

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 57 min 31 sec ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
Never Updated Your Copy

The platform would never update your copy within a directory called Keepass-2.x. The platform will only update versions in specifically named directories. KeePassPortable and KeePassProPortable in this case. I know because I wrote it.

The reason for the naming is to allow distinct AppIDs as required by the platform and to be less confusing to the user. Having two different versions of the same app with the exact same name is extremely confusing to an end user.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

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