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Problems with Toucan: Toucan.tmp' couldn't be removed

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Last seen: 5 years 10 months ago
Joined: 2019-02-10 06:26
Problems with Toucan: Toucan.tmp' couldn't be removed


I am using Toucan on Win7, toucan in german language.
I made some tests to check, if toucan can meet my requirements for backup/mirroring.

I found the following issue:

I mirrored a local folder to another local folder.
The process seems to run fine.
The mirroring process ends up withe the message "Fertig" (ready) , but if you anlayse the log file deeper,
you find some uncopied files, the message is "Toucan.tmp' couldn't be removed "
and then followed by some messages like:
12:11:28 Kopieren fehlgeschlagen!E:\Fotos\FotosBroschuere\3261GER.B019.JPG

The reason that toucan cannot copy this file might be, that a second dot is inside the filename.
It is not nice, but should work. No other backup tool had problems with it.

But really bad seems to me, that toucan ends up the mirroring process with a ready-message,
without deeper analysis you cannot see, that something went wrong.
That means that you have missing files in a mirroring process without visible warning.
Not so good for a backup software !?

Any idea how to fix?

Best regards