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KADMOS OCR working with English using 32bit IrfanView, BUT

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Last seen: 2 years 4 months ago
Joined: 2019-05-13 13:50
KADMOS OCR working with English using 32bit IrfanView, BUT

Anyone having ideas on adding Languages, as the Install Language extension to KADMOS gives Error 720 (Error on opening file containing the download directory on the internet server).
I found the Language extensions under Downloads menu here:


Pulled the zip file, but there's no readme - so I took the chance to install them directly into the PortableApps folder:

D:\Google Drive\Private\PortableApps\IrfanViewPortable\App\IrfanView\Plugins\ocr_kadmos

where a few English language files seemed to be.

But I had no luck in being able to 'point' to the added language in the UI Sad
Fellow @Moonbase user did have a very old comment on this language extention when IrfanView initially was announced Portable, maybe you are still around to answer ?

There's no clue in the Manual for KADMOS either.
Cheers Peter