Hi ! I'm new here, i have been looking for a way to convert the app "Speedtest by Ookla" to a portable version, it's a useful app that i would like to add to my portable apps ♥ . I wanted to try with VMWare ThinApp, but since i have upgraded to Windows 1903, i have been unable to make it work. If you are kind enough to add it to the collection i would appreciate
Thank you !
Link to the site:
Hey Kimael87,
I created a portableapp format of the Speedtest by Ookla but the only problem is the EULA who said that I can't distribute the app itself. And because its in a msi installer I can't extract it into the folder like I wanted and I made a post about it for helping me https://portableapps.com/node/60512. All I need to do is finish with the installation process and maybe the registery cleanup if needed.
Portabilizing application... 14 at the moment
Hey Makazzz,
Thank you mate for looking into this... Yeah i didn't thought about the EULA. I don't have any skill that could help you with this project, but i will follow it
There you go https://portableapps.com/node/60564 it was not easy but it is done
Portabilizing application... 14 at the moment
Woow great !! i'm going to test it right away
thank you so much, i wish i knew how to do it so i could help the comunity like you do ♥. If you have a tutorial or some keywords i could type on google to look into it... i would i appreciate.
Thank you again. Cordialement
When I tried to do Portableapps I checked how the "official app" where made (appinfo.ini, installer.in, AppNamePortable.ini, etc) and then do it on my own. After that I checked the how_to.txt in this file with the manual and I tried a lot of thing to make it work. Finally I found some way to help me trough the procees with a virtual machine of Windows (I use 7 Pro for my test) and Sanboxie for creating a box for the app and check what the setup is creating when installed. And there is this forum to get help if needed. I hope that what you wanted to know.
Portabilizing application... 14 at the moment