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[QUESTION/REQUEST] More informative dialog (on startup & exit) for Launcher

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Last seen: 4 months 3 weeks ago
Joined: 2018-06-28 07:13
[QUESTION/REQUEST] More informative dialog (on startup & exit) for Launcher

I'm currently portablizing an app that store a large amount of data on many different locations (I won't tell you the app since it's private) so it may take a while for launcher to clean it or restore it later (may take up to 15 seconds or more). This is annoying because I must manually check if the PA Launcher is still running in the background each time I want to shutdown the PC or run other program that may corrupt the cleaning process.

Is it possible to display a more informative dialog (on startup and exit) that shows you the cleaning\restoring process? I mean something like this: since I think showing splash screen is not that helpful and only possible on startup. I'm not a good coder so.. even if it is not possible, is there any possibility that PA Launcher will include this feature on the future?

I think this feature will be useful for many of us and of course for some large portablized apps like Firefox/Chrome, for example. Since sometimes we may forgot to wait for PA Launcher to close before shutting down our PCs (or do something else that interupts PAL cleaning process), and the next time we open it? It doesn't clean the leftovers completely and shows a dialog to make us wait a little more.

Sorry I'm not a native English, expect some mistakes from me. And thanks if some of you want to implement it or just to answer my question. Appreciate it.
