first of all I have to say that PortableApps.com is one of the greatest projects in the internet.
I have some suggestions for programs which could be offered here. All of them are portable, i. e. you don't need to install it. I know, some of them might be suggested by others, nontheless I list them here up.
Tiny C Compiler:
It's a very small C-Compiler (not C++ !) under GNU LGPL.
Damn Small Linux
There is a embedded version of it for Windows. I'm not sure about the exact licence. But it is definetely open source and free.
I've edited my post. Utorrent for example isn't open source, which I didn't know.
The audio library that QEMU uses is closed source/proprietary. That's why I never posted my DSL package I created. I can't host it on SourceForge.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
Could you post a DSL Launcher then with instructions on where to place the main DSL files like you did for XAMPP?
Couldn't you just post the launcher and the information on where to put the files?
there is a alternative to bit torrent that is portable. its called uTorrent, just google it.
But there’s no sense crying over every mistake,
You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.