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Set PortableApp as default program

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R. al'Thor
Last seen: 1 year 5 months ago
Joined: 2019-07-29 19:58
Set PortableApp as default program

After this issue I thought it would be a good idea, to have a PortableApp that could register portable apps so they could be used as default apps

Here is a script that register portablefirefox so it can be set as the default browser
I ask in that other thread:

Could this type of script be added into the PortableApps Options menus - maybe with options for :
et al
maybe scan installed portableapps and offer suitable ones that could be registered

Or could somone make it as a PortableApp

That would be really usefull to many I think - I'd give another Donation for that

I think it might be better as a portableapp

Could someone do that ?
write a script and roll it into a portableapp
