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Running Comodo Firefox Ice Dragon or Chromium Iron?

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Last seen: 4 years 12 months ago
Joined: 2019-03-08 14:53
Running Comodo Firefox Ice Dragon or Chromium Iron?

I thought a few people might be interested,

1.) Has anyone tried using Firefox Comodo Ice Dragon in Portable Apps?

I'm using version with eight extensions on PA Platform 16.0.3 & it seems alright, so far.

The browser can be found at,

2.) Anyone tried using the Iron Chromium browser from,

Again seems alright so far. Iron comes with its own backup and config utility; I haven't used the utility yet.

Can subfolders be created in the portable app's directory to have greater compartamentalizing in an app category. I should just try it I guess.

3.) Anyone using an alternative portable Privacy / Security focused browser they have found useful?


Anyone installed SysInternals from Microsoft into PA?

I tried it and hardly any of the SysInternal utilities appear in the PA Platform.

Appear in Other Category, but that's it. I realize there're other SI utilities on the P-Apps site, just playing.

5.) The Gravity News Reader from the Gibson's Research works on the PA platform.

Anyone run PA on a VeraCrypt Volume?
Any concerns?

Last seen: 6 months 3 weeks ago
Joined: 2007-07-18 03:28
re: Running Comodo

> ... alternative portable Privacy / Security focused browser they have found useful?

It's not an alternative browser, but Firefox ESR is probably your best bet. After another year or so Brave might be considered one of the better options for privacy, though I'd wait longer for it to build a security reputation. I recommend avoiding both SRware Iron and/or any Comodo products for reasons you can probably determine with a little research.

> Sysinternals

You have to be careful as that site has many different files that will clog up your PA menu over time, so I would hesitate before adding too many of the excellent files from Sysinternals. You should probably look into another menu system for managing that. But creating a folder, putting an EXE file, and adding it to the folder should make it show up in the menu after you restart/refresh.

> Anyone run PA on a VeraCrypt Volume? Any concerns?

No, works great. I highly recommend it.

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