Well is it, cause I would like this since I believe this will make my future comp very fast, (in reality will it?)? I will choose very fast CPUs.
New: DesktopSnowOK (Jan 6, 2025), Platform 29.5.3 (Jun 27, 2024)
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Only If your motherboard supports it - prob best to go for a dual-core processor instead of having two seperate processors, as the bandwidth is much higher between them in a dual-core.
As I'm sure you know, Intel Core Duo 2's are very fast.
if I had 2 dual core CPUs, would that be a good idea? Or even Quad core (I heard they will soon exist), yeah cause I want a computer that does not even take a second to open up an app or a file.
CPUs require heat dissipation. An uncooled CPU will melt within 5 seconds of normal operation. 4 high-end processors would need one hell of a cooling system.
Plus, high-performance chips are expensive to manufacture.
Plus, high-performance chips are expensive to manufacture.
No, they are not. The highest-performance ones cost 10 times as much as the cheapest ones from the same wafer. Costs for the manufacturer? Exactly the same, although if there were only the fastest ones, they'd loose these good enough for the low-end, but not for the high-end. But it's not 90% of production...I don't think that it's more than 20%.
The cpu companies are maximizing their incomes - that's why there's so big price difference.
"Those people who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do." Asimov
it would be a bad idea?
not bad but expensive...;)
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would be to use Liquid Cooling, since that would be hotter than a bat in hell.
Ryan McCue
Cube Games
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"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."
It's not just the CPU that makes a computer fast to boot/load files etc.
It's the bottle neck that comes when you try and read from the disk into memory...
For fastest boot you need a very quick hard disc and very fast memory. Cpu is important as well, but just having a Kentsfield isn't going to do it all.
For fastest load times, get 2 WD Raptor 10,000 Rpm drive in Raid, or wait for these new SSD to be available, the SSDs will be the fastest. ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solid_state_drive )
Get the fastest RAM you can, DDR3 promises to be the fastest.
CPU wise, a core duo 2 is fine, core quadro would be better, but not worth the price currently.
Yes you can have 2 processors if your motherboard has 2 "sockets" for them.
There are even 4 processor motherboards for PC's. (VERY VERY expensive)
Servers can have up to I believe 32 processors but the architecture changes dramatically as does the cost.
Dual and Quad core processors would be faster and more expensive.
You can also run 2 dual cores if your motherboard supports it.
I am sure you will eventually see motherboards supporting 2 quad cores as well.
Heating would definitely be an issue liquid cooling would be best.(be very careful with liquid cooling)
If you want something out of the box, Dell is selling an XPS system that is overclocked and liquid cooled. I believe its a dual core.
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high capacity HDD at 10000 rpm and a large buffer and an intell xenon quad core. (it does exist) that would be fast and a little more expensife then your reguler package. but it would be extremely fast.
If you want a fast computer, first realize that all components have to be up to snuff or you'll spend a ton of money and get very little in return (you'll get a big bottleneck instead). Then, get a motherboard that will support high-end processors and RAM. Then get some high-end RAM. Then decide what you want for central processing, and (this is very important) an adequate cooling system. Since you'll have fast chips, you'll need a lot of cooling. Liquid cooling is the best, but everything has to be set up just right to prevent leakage. Then get your high-speed drive. A conventional drive (i.e. magnetic, not flash or something similar) will suffice unless you want overkill and have a magical money tree.
Then again, a magical money tree would help either way...