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FAX viewer

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Last seen: 17 years 7 months ago
Joined: 2006-10-24 08:49
FAX viewer

I recall seeing a post once that a member was longing for a fax viewer. A lot of image viewers will read a front page but not multiple pages. I used eFAX for a while and then a UK based service. XP i'm told does cope with multiple pages but how well.

I discovered a 3rd party addon called AlternaTIFF which is available for FREE not listed in Mozilla addons (last update Nov 2006) - versions for IE, Netscape and other browsers. Also a free basic (lightweight) portable one called Tiff Viewer by

One can send using Word/OO but not receive. Service providers will receive faxes and send them to your email. Great advantage as one doesn't get the streaks from a fax machine (on the way out!) - they are not exactly robust.

Thought it was worth a mention as i find faxing very useful for certain comms - mainly when i want something to be read instantly rather than send an email that can sit around for a while. I used to use the eFax viewer but they have a rather bloated update (not portable) and i wanted something basic/lighter and found it.

Hope this is of interest to someone. I haven't found i need to send away from home but a portable viewer to check if someone has sent me a fax is essential for me.

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Last seen: 5 months 2 weeks ago
Joined: 2008-02-18 15:16
I Agree

This would be a great app for portablization. Has anyone found a way to do this yet, or found an alternative way to view .efx files? Got a "new" computer (new to me, it was manufactured 6 years ago!) now I'm completely locked out of installing benign apps (used to be a machine administrator), and blocked access to the website (filtered it as online storage) and I can no longer view eFax faxes. Now I have to email the file to myself at home, view, "Save As," and then resend to myself at work...

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