I get the exact same error when selecting "Check For Updates" and "Get More Apps...": InvalidZipFilePossibleNoConnectionOrFirewall
Can you provide an URL to verify my connectivity?
Can it be related to the fact, that I removed 7-Zip as app?
I'm running 16.1 Beta 1 on Windows 10, 64-bit.
Try to download the PA.c Platform and Task Coach Portable in Internet Explorer. This will use the Windows internet components that the PA.c Platform and any other apps that use the WinAPI will use.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
No problem downloading "PortableApps.com_Platform_Setup_16.0.3.paf.exe" and "TaskCoachPortable_1.4.6.paf.exe".
Can the problem be related to my removal of 7-Zip as app?
What can I do to get things going again..?