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Sandboxie Portable 5.46.4 Dev Test 6

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Sandboxie Portable 5.46.4 Dev Test 6

Application: Sandboxie
Category: Utilities

Sandboxie is an open-source sandboxing program for Microsoft Windows. Sandboxie creates an isolated operating environment in which applications can be run or installed without permanently modifying the local system. This virtual environment allows for controlled testing of untrusted programs and web surfing.

Sandboxie Portable 5.46.4 Dev Test 6 (4.31 MB download | 21.0 MB installed) [Mirror - PW: 1234]
MD5: 06696967F2CD80380DA977E4A66B236B

Dev Test 6 will probably be my last Sandboxie release since the open-source Sandboxie-Plus version has matured enough and already has its own portable mode (using SandMan.exe, Qt based app). The one released here doesn't include it (SandMan.exe) though, so it has somewhat smaller size. Still, you can replace this one with older/newer Sandboxie release by replacing files inside "Sandboxie" and "Sandboxie64" folder.

Known Issues:
- Driver may not be installed correctly on Windows 7 and lower (upstream driver signature issue).
- If custom sandbox doesn't get detected (empty name, etc), try reloading Sandboxie config (Configure - Reload Configuration).

Dev Test 1 - First release. Sandboxie v5.33.3.
Dev Test 2 - Fixed empty "Sandbox" folder and unable to read "Sandboxie.ini".
Dev Test 3 - Added Explorer context menu just like the original.
Dev Test 4 - Updated base app to latest semi-official release. Fallback "Sandboxie.ini" to WINDIR instead of app directory during runtime (due to Sandboxie inconsistency).
Dev Test 5 - Unified x86 and x64 build. Improved compatibility with non-portable Sandboxie. Removed more (known) leftovers.
Dev Test 6 - Migrate to open-source release (Sandboxie-Plus).

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Does It Require Admin Rights?

Does this portable version requires Admin Rights?

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Sadly, yes

There is no way to install driver without admin rights. In case you're also wondering, the "Sandboxie-Plus" version require it too. Once installed, the driver will be removed completely after system restart/shutdown (since unloading kernel driver is impossible using NSIS native code, I believe).

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Updated to 5.33.3 (R3)

Changelog on the first post. All known issues fixed, missing installer files added. I think it's ready and can be moved to beta testing forum (if possible).

Ken Herbert
Ken Herbert's picture
Last seen: 4 hours 50 min ago
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Please just be aware that

Please just be aware that this will likely never get an official release because the driver issue breaks full portability.

This is part of the reason we have not released an official package of NVDA.

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I understand

Just wanna share it to the community. I actually wanted to share a newer version too (based on Sandboxie-Plus release) but it was marked as a virus when uploading (due to the driver certificate issue). Almost everything are the same though, just the files inside "App\Sandboxie" and "AppInfo.ini" are changed.

Ken Herbert
Ken Herbert's picture
Last seen: 4 hours 50 min ago
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No problem.

No problem.

Just wanted to let you know the bad news in case you were aiming for a proper release.

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Could you elaborate on the

Could you elaborate on the topic of the driver issue? I have been using Sandboxie Plus in portable mode for a while and I have not noticed any issues. The application installs driver/service at launch and uninstalls it at shutdown. Where exactly is the problem so it breaks portability?

Ken Herbert
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The issue affects Windows 7

The issue affects Windows 7 and below, as indicated in Known Issues in the original post.

So I guess it was too strong of me to say "never", but at least while Windows 7 is a consideration, it would not be made official.

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Does the issue also apply to

Does the issue also apply to Sandboxie-Plus? I have been using Sandboxie-Plus in portable mode for a while and I have not encountered any issue. I use Windows 7 x64.

Ken Herbert
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Last seen: 4 hours 50 min ago
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I couldn't say. I don't use

I couldn't say. I don't use it, and don't often have access to a Windows system anymore to test it myself.

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It's already been fixed on

It's already been fixed on Sandboxie-Plus long time ago. Signature is like a digital certificate that proves your driver is harmless (not tagged as virus) and owned by a person/corporation. It's pricey and must be renewed (yearly) so it doesn't expire, but the community is kind enough to provide supports to Sandboxie-Plus creator so it's no longer an issue.

Sorry for the late reply, I rarely visit this forum and mostly use Linux nowadays.

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portability level of sandboxie plus?

it's reply to #5,
oh, overread it.
sorry to hear as it's a great app!
are both standard and plus having this issue?
what do you mean about the portability of plus version, see #31
many thanx!
update: please consider also:

i help were i can. maybe you can help me too. threads in account/track.
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Last seen: 1 hour 56 min ago
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Thanks for the work. I've made tests and here are the results:

Windows 7 x86:

  • App does not start and I got an error message (error 557) + The systray icon shows a blinking exclamation mark (no way to start the app)..
  • "Right-click → Show errors" does nothing.
    • Sandboxie isn't installed in this machine.

Windows 7 x64:

  • The x86 version: Error 1275 + The same symptoms as above except that the "Right-click → Show errors" is working.
  • The x64 version: Starts without any error message.
    • Other error messages when trying to start the installed version of Sandboxie (after closing the portable one).

PS. Windows Error Lookup Tool Portable

“All these years that I had spent in the service of mankind brought me nothing but insults and humiliation.”
― Nikola Tesla ―

“I'm such an open book, but you shall read between the lines.”
― Neo Buddha ―

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I kinda noticed it too (EDIT: see my other reply)

On my Windows 10 LTSC, Sandboxie will shows that blinking exclamation mark for like a second but then it become normal again. Here is a manual step to analyze by yourself (also written on App\AppInfo\Launcher\Custom.nsh, based on this):

1) Open Command Prompt with admin access. You may need to restart your computer first to completely remove running Sandboxie drivers.
2) Type pushd "SANDBOXIEROOTFOLDER" (eg pushd "D:\PortableApps\SandboxiePortable\App\Sandboxie")
3) Type KmdUtil.exe install SbieDrv "SbieDrv.sys" type=kernel start=demand "msgfile=SbieMsg.dll" altitude=86900 and press enter. Does it show any error?
4) Again, type KmdUtil.exe install SbieSvc "SbieSvc.exe" type=own start=auto "display=Sandboxie Service" group=UIGroup "msgfile=SbieMsg.dll". Does it show any error?
5) Use sc query SbieDrv and sc query SbieSvc to check driver status (running/stopped/not installed)
6) If not started, you can use either KmdUtil.exe or sc.exe to start the services (eg sc start SbieDrv and sc start SbieSvc
7) Start SbieCtrl.exe directly (don't worry, we will clean up any leftover later). Does it start correctly?

Removing leftovers: (close Sandboxie first)
1) Open Command Prompt with admin access
2) Type pushd "SANDBOXIEROOTFOLDER" (eg pushd "D:\PortableApps\SandboxiePortable\App\Sandboxie")
3) Copy and run these commands:

KmdUtil.exe stop SbieSvc
KmdUtil.exe stop SbieDrv
KmdUtil.exe delete SbieSvc
KmdUtil.exe delete SbieDrv
del /F /Q "%WinDir%\Sandboxie.ini"
del /F /Q "%AppData%\Microsoft\Windows\SendTo\Sandboxie*.lnk"
reg delete "HKCR\*\shell\sandbox" /f
reg delete "HKCR\Folder\shell\sandbox" /f
reg delete "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run" /v Sandboxie /f

4) Use sc query SbieDrv and sc query SbieSvc to check driver status. Note that SbieDrv can't be removed completely until restart.

Let me know if you encounter any error.

Last seen: 4 months 3 weeks ago
Joined: 2018-06-28 07:13
App does not start and I got

App does not start and I got an error message (error 557) + The systray icon shows a blinking exclamation mark (no way to start the app)..

The x86 version: Error 1275 + The same symptoms as above except that the "Right-click → Show errors" is working.

Hmm.. strange. I don't think there is any difference between x86 and x64 installation process. Sadly, I don't have any x86 system or Windows 7 to test so I will test it on my Windows 10 x64 later (using Sandboxie x86).

EDIT: Error 1275 means Windows is blocking x86 driver from being installed on x64 machine. Of course you're not meant to install x86 Sandboxie on a x64 machine. As of error 557, I think it is related to Windows Defender (or other antivirus) false positive, simply whitelist Sandboxie directory and check if the error still occur. Kinda strange because Sandboxie driver (SbieDrv.sys) signature is correct.

Other error messages when trying to start the installed version of Sandboxie (after closing the portable one)

This is because my Sandboxie Portable will remove any Sandboxie service & driver (both portable and non-portable). Checking driver and service path is somewhat complicated so I currently have no plan on adding this kind of check (use only one version of Sandboxie, not both). Sandboxie (non-portable) will of course complain about it since the required service was removed. You can install it again by refering to my other reply (use Sandboxie non-portable directory as cmd working dir).

Last seen: 1 hour 56 min ago
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the driver will be removed completely after system restart/shutdown

The driver's issue was (let's say) negligible, but to remove an installed software from the registry.. Hmmm... But thanks anyway..

PS. You should add a remark in your main post, so people will be notified.

“All these years that I had spent in the service of mankind brought me nothing but insults and humiliation.”
― Nikola Tesla ―

“I'm such an open book, but you shall read between the lines.”
― Neo Buddha ―

Last seen: 4 months 3 weeks ago
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I have added a workaround

Sadly, you will need to reinstall non-portable version of Sandboxie to repair it.

Take a look at "RemoveServices" on SandboxiePortable.ini. Set it to yes/true to ask for a confirmation dialog, others (eg no, false, whateveridontcare) to keep the services.

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Updated to 5.33.6 Dev Test 5

Now, Sandboxie Portable will (hopefully) not mess with non-portable version of Sandboxie. Please note that if Sandboxie (non-portable) services already exist, my portable version will use that instead of removing & installing a new one (which requires reboot when removing SbieDrv, anyway).

This is somewhat useless because Sandboxie Portable does not use its own driver, so I also added confirmation dialog to completely remove Sandboxie services (portable & non-portable) on exit. Of course, reboot required. You can actually start Sandboxie Portable again (without reboot) but the old services (either portable or non-portable) will be used.

Other changelog on the first post. Oh, most registry related settings are now written to SandboxiePortable.ini directly instead of Custom.nsh.

Last seen: 1 hour 56 min ago
Joined: 2019-07-19 07:09
Sounds Better !!

Sounds Better !!

EDIT: What you're doing sounds better, but the x86 problem is still here Sad

“All these years that I had spent in the service of mankind brought me nothing but insults and humiliation.”
― Nikola Tesla ―

“I'm such an open book, but you shall read between the lines.”
― Neo Buddha ―

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Honestly, I don't know what caused it

I already redownloaded the original installer and compare it with my portable release, they're all ok and the digital signature of SbieDrv.sys is correct. I think it's an issue with Sandboxie itself (not specific to my release) or Windows update mess with something. What's the error message anyway?

Moreover, I'm using a semi-official release, maybe you can try downgrading to 5.33.3 or upgrading to (unofficial) 5.42 by replacing everything inside App\Sandboxie. Sandboxie installer can be extracted easily using 7-Zip or similar tool, you just need an extra KmdUtil.exe from $PLUGINSDIR folder. Note: the only file matter here is actually SbieDrv.sys which is blocked from being installed (because of invalid signature?).

EDIT: I'm not trying to be rude, sorry. I just can't reproduce it on my setup so I'm afraid I can't help you much further.

Last seen: 1 hour 56 min ago
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The problem is in my side.

The problem is in my side.
I was testing on a neglected computer. I've tested to install the official Sandboxie unsuccessfully, tried to reinstall post-SP1 updates, no way.. I'm sorry for wasting your time, I must check everything next time before to make tests.
Sorry again !!

“All these years that I had spent in the service of mankind brought me nothing but insults and humiliation.”
― Nikola Tesla ―

“I'm such an open book, but you shall read between the lines.”
― Neo Buddha ―

Last seen: 1 week 5 days ago
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How's the update?

At the moment, we have Sanboxie-Classic v5.68.4 and Sanboxie-Plus v1.13.4

If I want to use the latest Sanboxie-Plus, could I just replace the files in App directory?

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Inaccessible Sandboxie Portable 5.46.4 Dev Test 6

Unable to download .paf file for Sandboxie Portable 5.46.4 Dev Test 6. Can someone post a link to download this package?

Last seen: 10 sec ago
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google drive problem

is blocked by google drive as of their rules.
that's the info.

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if you don't want to help don't post crap!

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Inaccessible Sandboxie Portable 5.46.4 Dev Test 6

Yes, that was clear after clicking on original link. Requesting for someone to post a new download link if a copy is available.

Last seen: 10 sec ago
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look for virtual machines

just seen how old it is
and how long the user wasn't here.
i would say it's discontinued.
i think i will not use anyway anymore as had longer problems.
we maybe should also look for virtual machines here.

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besides, if you not an

besides, if you not an advanced user think that it's a beta.
a user had here data loss with a beta as he wasn't carefull enough.
it's also strange as on github 5.40 is the last one.
and what is the plus version?

i help were i can. maybe you can help me too. threads in account/track.
if you don't want to help don't post crap!

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Sandboxie Plus has a Qt-based UI

Sandboxie Plus has a Qt-based UI. All new features are added only to this UI.
Wanted to use package as a base and then update the actual app files.

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the first post has the normal

the first post has the normal version but links in the first link to the plus version.
anyway, as the portable creator hasn't been seen here for almost 2years, we can burry it.
as i seen on the quick, there are stil some problems and it seemed to be the newest version.
on github is even and older the newest so i don't understand the version number here.
don't think it's stable enought that john could release it or has the old file you want.
sorry for the bad news.

i help were i can. maybe you can help me too. threads in account/track.
if you don't want to help don't post crap!

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maybe beg developer for portable version?

don't know if we could get davidxanatos (see releases link above) to make it portable.
but portableapps seems to make apps more portable.
it seems to be the sandboxie developer, via github.
5.69.9/1.14.9 are the newest.
i found in the downloads only older, these are in releases.
i hoped developer know of advantages of portability.
i don't have github, maybe someone can request a portable version from the developer if we can't get one here.
only an idea.
thanx a lot!

i help were i can. maybe you can help me too. threads in account/track.
if you don't want to help don't post crap!

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Sandboxie Plus has been

Sandboxie Plus has been featuring portable mode for quite some time. Simply download the installer, run it and it will ask you if you want to install it or extract it (portable mode). Once you extract it to a location of your choice, launch the application via Sandman.exe. It works like a charm. I have been using it in portable mode for a while with no issues. All the settings are stored in two files: Sandboxie.ini and Sandboxie-Plus.ini. I haven't found any leftovers stored anywhere else on the system so it's pretty clean.

You can download the latest version of Sandboxie Plus from its GitHub page:

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i heard that they way

i heard that they way portableapps it makes is portable and others for example the developers itself make it a dirty way.
what about trying the method in post #31?

i help were i can. maybe you can help me too. threads in account/track.
if you don't want to help don't post crap!

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If you still need it

If you still need it for whatever reason, here's the link

It's passworded (1234) to bypass Google false positive (due to unsigned Sandboxie driver)

Also here's a reference if you need to modify something using kmdutil or sandman

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Thanks a million!

Thanks a million!

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